
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 05:36:56
What shape is your desk 德语的形容词什么时候是按照冠词的1234格加词尾,什么时候是按照定语加词尾? 有没有德语高手啊,1关于词尾的我都没搞明白,有没有什么高见啊? 谁帮我打1314个I love you啊. I ARE VERY LOVE YOU OK?的意思 the-mangaer-made-them-work-10-hours-a-day改为被动句 英语翻译Una reina maldita,un alto cargo vanidoso que se ordena erigir una tumba digna de reyes,ladrones de mimias y una necopolis excavada en una montaña donde los ajures y sus muertos se agazapan como animales ariscos,a puerta cerrada,celos 英语翻译porsupuesto que sube cada dia mas y mas ya que hay mejores jugadas en los dos y son los deportes mas vistos y divertidos y por eso se van a jugar generaciones tras generaciones y bueno en conclusion siempre va a subir ya que a todo europa it was the brief () he would succeed sooner or later () made him work hard day and nightA.that;whereB.where;thatC.that;thatD.how;which强调句能用where? 懂西班牙语的进来~谢绝工具翻译~~~~~ 请告诉我下面这是什么意思 急~~~~~Artegrafia SH 54-11-****-****Claudio Gustd En el horario de 11 a 14 hs de Argentina14 de Julio 1016 CABA Buenos Aires Argentina 英语翻译Hola Jessie las barras de fruta son todas las que tienes en la web?Es que yo compro más modelos y me gustaria saber las cantidades minimas y precio,ya que ahora las compro en total un pedido de 250 barras mezcladas de diferentes modelos. 英语翻译1.我要预约看医生.2.他睡觉的时候,打呼噜的声音很响,嗓子很干,会醒来喝水,有时候还会头疼,血压高.请帮忙翻译一下这两句.第二句请用第三人称,因为不是我要看病. 英语翻译耐火纤维毡不含石棉等对人体有害的物质,可直接用于防火,绝缘,隔热,消音.耐高温,高效隔热,可当作高温容器内衬节约能源用. 英语翻译或许我该把我对你的感情埋在心里… 某班共46名同学去划船,一共乘坐10只船,大船坐6人,小船坐4人,全部坐满,大船小船各有几只 Topic:Arguments for or against sending aged parents to nursing homes口语答辩1.From the perspective of a student(positive)2.From the perspective of a parent(negative) H1N1 has hit many countries around the world 帮我以《the world has many problems》(世界上有很多问题)写一篇英语周记 大约80个词左右如果不会 写中文也可以 大约80字 我可以自己翻译 He did not know how to fight,but he knocked the boxer______.请问这该填什么副词或介词呢? -----My boss often made me work day and night.----If i -----you,i ----the job. 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译However,international trade can be complicated and inhibited by disparities between regulations,adopted at local,State,national or regional levels; by insufficient information on the often complex and detailed requirements; by the introdu The war made him a soldier.New methods make the job easy.I often find him at work.The teacher ask the students to close the windows.I saw a cat running across the road.上面句子的宾补是什么呢?什么是宾补?(本人初学者,望多多指 英语翻译 The life is just like a s__.Everyone is a p___ 2010考研计算机真题第30题求解设文件索引节点中有7个地址项,其中4个地址项为直接地址索引,2个地址项是一级间接地址索引,1个地址项是二级间接地址索引,每个地址项大小为4字节,若磁盘索引 考研政治题,求解?唯物辩证法就其本质来说是批判的、革命的,因为他:认为凡是现有的都是应当灭亡的.这句话是从哪里的出来的啊?那个知识点?马克思主义辩证法的观点是那些?这个知识点在 |x-|2x+1||=4的根是()a x=-5或x=1 b x=5或x=1 c x=3或x=3/5 d x=-3或x=3/5在一条长为180m的道路两旁种树,每隔2m已挖好一坑,由于树种改变,现改为每隔3m种树一棵,则需重新挖坑和填坑的个数分别是()a 30, Many girls don't eat breakfast because they want to be t_______. 求一首英文歌,歌词是you knowe i knowe\so easy\so easyle\one kiss\one love\one dream等…开始时的歌词是let me … nichkhun唱的don't wanna try和Back at One还有Nothing Better《Way Back Into Love》《more than words?