
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:07:23
英语翻译1.With a lot of difficult problems_____,the manager felt worried all the time.A.settled B.to be settled C.settling D.being settled2.In fact,full use has been made____this building.(full use A.from B.of C.into D.up 硫氰化铁的电离平衡常数 电离平衡常数是什么? 我国是世界上最早发明瓷器的国家.请你举例简述中国陶瓷业的发展过程简洁明了一点, Fe(OH)3和Al(OH)3谁溶解度更小更难电离? 1.The book _____ under the chair for two days.A.has put B.has been lying C.has been put D.have been laid 2.Between the two buildings ________ a monumentA.is stading B.stading C.stands D.standC 为什么不能选A3.The students in our school each __ h 我国是历史上最早种植粟和蔬菜的国家,这个最早种植地你认为是哪 2010年国家对种植蔬菜有哪些补贴政策? H2SO3在水里电离出什么 H2SO3在融融状态下电离吗 H2SO3溶液中会电离出亚硫酸根离子,怎么不会和BacL2反应? 咋H2SO4能和氯化钡反应,H2SO3就不行了?H2SO3溶液中会电离出可以和Ba2+结合的亚硫酸根离子 瓷器和陶器的发明有啥历史意义 最早发明陶器的国家是 Ca(OH)2中为什么有溶解平衡Ca(OH)2可逆生成Ca2+(aq)+2OH-(aq)呢?Ca(OH)2是强电解质,完全电离啊 Ca(OH)2是不是强电解质?可以说Ca(OH)2为强电解质吗?为什么在强电解质归类时一定要写 澄清石灰水? 我国是世界最早发明瓷器的国家,瓷窑最早出现于 A夏朝B商朝C西周D东周 2NaoH+CaCl2--2NaCl+Ca(OH)2 是否加沉淀符号Ca(OH)2微溶 1、The storm died away at last with the golden waves_____the shore in peace.A beat B to beat C beating D beaten 2、Shall we have some tea as the meal _________?A is being prepared B is prepareing C is prepareing for D was prepareing for 3、I was r 1.I would rather have someone_____me a loving “no” than an obligated "yes"A.giving B.to give C.give D.given但是为什么不是have sb.done?2.As everybody knows,arms are to the body _____branches are to a tree.A.that B.which C.what D.as3.Her new 电离方程式 (NH4)2so4------- Na2Co3------------------ Ca(oH)2----------------- K2So4-------- CuSO4--(NH4)2so4-------Na2Co3------------------ Ca(oH)2----------------- K2So4-------- CuSO4---- KNo3---------- NaoH---- Ba(oH02------ H2So4----------- H She liked the famous painting very much,so she would like to buy it ___ it cost.A.what B.whatever C.how D.however为什么不选A? All cases____children are dealt with in a special children's court.A.respectable B.respected C.respecting D.respectful(要翻译 理由) --Why did he have to leave school?--He happened to________a laptop computer from the school labratory.A.be seen steal B.be seen stealing C.be caught to steal D.be caught being stealing — What do you want us to do for you?— I hope you could help me find out whether the goods ( ) to the port have arrived.A.transportingB.being transportingC.are transportedD.transported要讲理由的 ________we should do to protect wildlife?A.Do you think what B.Do you think how C.What do you think D.How do you think是选C还是选D勒?谢蛤a~ 第一台电视是谁创造的,求急!求急 HClO在水溶液中的电离方程式 Children are ______by health experts to take more physical exercise,for lack of it may produce disastrous influence on their later lire.A.suggested B.warned C.informed D.advised请问A、D里面选哪个啊?我检查了几遍,最后一个是lire, HClO的电离方程式!如题·! 【HClO4 电离方程式】 CL2+H2O=HCL+HCLO的电离方程式怎么写?