
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 16:11:19
可判断为离子化合物的条件是()A、熔点高B、溶于水可导电C、熔融状态下可导电1、在倾角为α的斜面上的A点,以初速度V0水平抛出一小球,小球落在斜面B点,不记空气阻力,求:(1)小球落在B 求高一物理数学化学难题,并附答案,谢谢 【高一化学】三种元素形成的化合物问题》》有X、Y、Z三种短周期元素,X元素原子的最外层电子数是2,Y元素原子的最外层得到两个电子就达到稳定结构;Z元素原子的最外层电子数是次外层电 写出由Ne,Cl,C三种元素组成的一种化合物在水溶液中的电离方程式 细胞的全能性在下列自然现象或科学研究成果中,能为“动物细胞具有全能性”观点提供直接证据的是 ( )A.壁虎断尾后重新长出尾部C.用体外培养的皮肤治疗烧伤病人B.蜜蜂的未受精卵细胞 梦溪笔谈二则的翻译 87.Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that ________ in the city.A) rose B) raised C) arose D) produced88.By the side of the new teaching hall _________ ,built in the 1930s.A) there stands a library B) stands a libraryC) a library 请英语高手帮忙检查一下有没有选错的,并说明理由~最后选中的答案会加分哦、、1.Why hasn't Michael _______even this minute?A.comedB.turned up C.get to D.reach[B]2.Honest man should ____ his promise.A.stick toB.talk overC. 16.Hearing a _____________ noise in the backyard,Pamela went there to have a look.A.cracking B.crack C.cracked D.cracker 17.If we carry out our plan with _____________,we will surely achieve our goal sooner or later.A.conditions B.determination C.com 植物多的地方,空气的湿度就() 一题初三关于金属的性质,分别用以下三组物质比较锌和铜的金属活动性,①Zn,Cu,稀硫酸 ②Zn,Cu,MgSO4溶液 ③Zn,Cu,AgNO3.溶液仅用组内物质就可以直接达到目的的是有:A,仅有①B,①③C,②③D,①② 金属活动性质的化学题.看了解析还是没懂.第一题会.第二题它讲先可能的图像是A、D.这文字的解释意思懂.但图没看明白. .Shall we request the chairman __________ our suggestion again?A.to consider B.considering C.consider D.considered 2.Some say yes and others say no; I don't know __________ to follow.A.whether B.what C.whom D.how 3.An explosion is a sudden increase i 8sinπ/8-cos^2π/8如何做 急 cosπ/4等于多少 细胞全能性1胚胎干细胞不具有分化成个体的潜能(能分化成任何一种组织细胞) 所以不能说具有全能性 对不?2.下列哪种细胞的全能性最容易表达?A蛙的口腔上皮细胞 B蚕豆的叶肉细胞 C蛔 龙虾有毒吗?龙虾我们能吃吗 碳酸钠溶液中存在氢氧根的原因是? Directions:From the choices given,choose the ONE that is closest in meaning to the italicized part in the sentence.1.Just before taking off,the pilot once more asked about weather conditions.a.inquired b.requiredc.requested d.demanded2.The driver 大学英语选择题,高手进!Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way you can avoid it ,( )you can avoid being hungry.a.much more thanb.no more than c.any more than d.no less than会做的朋友请顺便解释一下 如何储存新鲜龙虾拜托各位了 3Q 帮我做一些大学英语选择题题号:11—Haven’t seen you for ages! What are you busy doing now? —____________ a、I hate the weather here. b、My hair is getting a bit longer. c、Yeah, thanks for coming. d、I am working part time in a 几道大学英语选择题题号:1 John’s father ______ mathematics in this school ever since he graduated from Harvard University.a、taughtb、teachesc、has taughtd、is teaching题号:2 Although he did not know London well,he made his way ____ 关于概率的 要解析一个既患白化病又患红绿色盲症的女人与一个正常男性结婚,生育一个患白化病孩子的概率是多少,生育一个患白化病但色觉正常孩子的概率是多少,这个正常男性的父亲是色 (lnb^c)/(lna)=c*(lnb)/(lna)对吗? 笑林广记 《驱蚊》注“咎”还有“原来用得不如法耳”的意思是什么?还有讽刺了像买符者这样___________________的人,讽刺了像道士这样___________________的人。16、这则故事题为“驱蚊”,而沈 《笑林广记》中的(糟饼) 1.Ⅲ10基因型可能是AA或Aa ,她是杂合体的概率是?2.如果Ⅲ10与有该病的男性结婚,生出病孩的概率为?如何得出 (1)2/3 (2)1/3啊~ 16.Students will be evaluated by class performance as ________ to class attendance (出席).A.against B.opposed C.opposite D.opposing 17.They didn't know what exactly happened; they only heard what ________ a huge blast.A.looked like B.felt like C.se 11.Nobody knows how long and how seriously the shakiness of big businesses will _________ down the economy.A.put B.settle C.drag D.knock 12.I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _____________ .A.accept B.agree C.re ELF怎么读?比如,你碰到了SJ,想声明自己的身份是ELF,应该怎么读ELF我很困惑... elf用英语怎么读