
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 22:08:17
怎样才能写好中秋节的作文 怎样写好中秋作文 怎样才能写好中秋作文 KI溶液是否可以吸收氯气?如题!KI溶液与氯气反应是生成I2气体?还是固体还是溶液?个人认为是溶液吧求教! 挑一下英语语法错误~请指教!I don’t agree to wear school uniforms every day.First of all,I think school uniforms is very ugly,it makes students look ordinary.The second,school uniforms is uncomforable.I think we can wear school uniforms born什么意思 北京海淀区准三星级酒店有哪些中关村附近 准三星级酒店与挂三星级酒店的区别是什么? 二级路有必要做浆砌片石梯形排水沟吗 浆砌片石砂浆含量多少? 浆砌片石每立方米材料用量是多少? social networking services是什么意思 水渠浆砌石放坡百分之三,上下宽度怎么计算? 西班牙语Lo pasado pasado 请问如题 这句话有没有问题?有没有什么语法错误?Staring at the twinkled stars in the sky,I wish my hope of helping people in poverty can be like a star,enlightening others’ skies. As I soon learnt, he was English himself! 为什么是he was而不是he is? 句子As I soon learnt,he was English himself!为什么不是an English himself? 谁能把,洛克菲勒留给儿子的38封信,全部找出来给我,将重谢,本人将诚挚感谢 洛克菲勒留给儿子的38封信怎么样 洛克菲勒留给儿子的38封信的读书心得.一千字左右 洛克菲勒给孩子的38封信怎么样 What has teeth but cannot eat? much better than it has of late gone with many poor souls.这里has of late这块是什么语法结构啊? 英语关于habit的短语 代写自传的有没有? English learning habit还是English study habit 思想品德 在日常生活中 我们怎样抵制不健康的活动的危害 帮我写个自传~不是写我!是写三国里的人!像什么曹操 刘备 关羽 张飞咯!要以第一人称来写~600字左右!不要文言文 用白话文~就像我们现在写作文那样~ She doesn't like _____sports.A.playing.B.eShe doesn't like _____sports.A.playing.B.enjoying.C.watching.D.taking 【-She doesn't like playing sports.-Me neither】为什么用Me neither.而不用Neither am I. English for Communication (交际英语)1:— Do you think I can use your car for one day?  —______________________A.I’m afraid not.B.No,you can’t.C.I won’t let you do that.D.Absolutely not.2:--- My name is Jonathan.Shall I spell it for y 生物技术主要包括什么A基因工程B酶工程C发酵工程B细胞工程