
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 07:21:01
31页 复习题26 6题 八分之七乘(三分之二减二分之一)除以九分之七 脱式, 若N为自然数,试说明整式2n(n^2+2n+1)-2n^2(n+1)的值一定是4的倍数 已知n为自然数,整式n(2n+1)-2n(n-1)的值一定是3的倍数吗?说说你的理由 英语翻译(1)I thank China people are very friendly.(2)I hear China has a lot of intereting places ang I want to visit them next summer. 6分之13的分教单位是(.),它有(.)个这样的分教单位,再增加(.)个这样的分数单位就是最小的合数. 六分之十三的分数单位是(),它有()个这样的分数单位,至少再增加()个这样的分数单位,这个分数才能化成整数快,又快又好,嘻嘻 英语翻译1he has served and lived among the dying poor 2a person dose something good for the least important members of society 英语翻译1,The attach file is a amended of draft PB from ABN AMRO ShangHai branch.Please see it.2,The DLC will can be confirmed.It is no problem.If your side can pay for confirm in the bank. 复习题26 P31 7 8 9 三分之一和五分之一的差的分数单位是什么? 已知三角形ABC的三边a,b,c,满足等式a的平方+c的平方—2ab-2bc+2b的平方=0,试判断三角形ABC的形状 英文翻译2句1、Abstract.According to the property that global stiff matrix is positive definite after being adjusted and specific formation of elastomer potential energy function , linera saturated system model (LSSM)is introduced into finite el 初中数学复习题1答案,急求,谢谢 5米的六分之一和1米的六分之五谁大? 英语翻译His achievements as Burgomaster of the City of Vienna are immortal,in the best sense of the word.But all that could not save the Monarchy.It came too late.His rival,Schönerer,saw this more clearly.What Dr.Lueger undertook to put into 在三角形ABC中,角B=2角A,AB=2BC.求证:三角形ABC是直角三角形 已知 (b+c)/a - (a+c)/b - (a+b)/c ,求c/(a+b)的值 在三角形ABC中,角B=2角A,BC=2,AB=4,试证明三角形ABC为直角三角形. 在△ABC中,∠A=30°,AB=2BC,那么这个三角形是直角三角形吗?请证明你的判断. 在三角形ABC中,AD是角平分线,AD=BD,AB=2AC,说明:三角形ACB是直角三角形 A是B的五分之三,C是A的六分之五,C是B的几分之几 ABC三同学摘果子,A比B多摘六分之一,B比C多摘六分之一,A比C多摘几分之几? 英语翻译 甲是乙的三分之一,乙是甲的五分之二,乙是甲的几分之几?不要列数字,写文字,是A六分之五,B五分之六?我写错了,是甲的三分之一等于乙的五分之二,乙是甲的几分之几?不要列数字,写文字, 数A是数B的六分之五,那麼数A是数B的几分之几 一个三角形ABC中,角A 若是30度,AB=2AC,那么能得出直角三角形吗?如果把已知换成角B为60度呢?换成角B 为3 0度呢?分条回答,如果不行说明理由.可以就证明一下. 如图10,已知在△ABC中,AD⊥BC,∠DAC=∠B.求证△ABC是直角三角形. 英语翻译we must use our self-control to become free of them快 英语翻译Which letter is two to the right of the letter immediately to the left of the letter three to the right of the letter immediately to the right of the letter ( )X2+( )X4=100 括号里的数相加要等于49在线等.~~快的加分哦... 直角三角形ABC中,AC=BC=AD,角DAC=30度,证明BD=CD