
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 23:08:27
I couldn't understand what you said.It's quite__ me l couldn't understand< >at themeeting.a:that you saidb:what you saidc:what you saysd:which you said You speak so fast that I couldn'd ————(understand)what you said.You speak so fast that I couldn't ————(understand)what you said. Loid sexy Sexy 翻译中文 我小孩名字叫玮哲,我想大家帮忙找一个英文名字给他,中文名跟英文名的发音差不多的, occasions are quite rare when I have time to spend a day with my kids.这是什么从句?为什么?tsingniao07您自重点.....别这么果断(自信)的说这种明显不对的答案。 上海彭蒙惠英语播出时间书上写的是晚上9点30分,但听的时候发现不是彭蒙惠英语,是空中英语,与杂志对不起来~ 谁有彭蒙惠英语MP3.SUPER光碟的早期版本?2005、2006年的站内短消息联系[彭蒙惠英语MP3.SUPER光碟].ADR200712我也是在这里下的。不过我说的这几个没有资源了。希望能找到200712.不过我想最佳答案会 英语翻译:我们来写这些文章.还有什么主意吗?(any more) 1.Occasions are quite rare ___ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.为什么...1.Occasions are quite rare ___ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.为什么用when不用which?2.Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers 关于several million,many million_____ people in the world are using the Internet today.A several million B many million 书上说 million钱有several,many 修饰时 用单数,证明有many million 的把,不是表示好几百万吗? 有many million这样表示的吗 much than twenty million people live there改错 有many million 这种用法么 Mark Twain was born on November 30,1835 and___in a small town in Florida,the USA.Abroughtup.Bgrewu为什么不能选A,was后面的born和brought up不是一个形式的么可以省略一个was? (英文作文)你的好朋友Mark一个月前随父母到美国上学了你的好朋友Mark一个月前随父母到美国去上学了.到那后,他几乎没有什么好朋友,学习成绩也有所下降.他感到很有压力,心情也很烦闷.请你 he was born in the USA in 1995 同义句 his mother 空格 空格 空格him in the USA in 1995 what's是什么的缩写 was born 后面跟in the USA 还是 in USA I was born in the USA.句中的"the"要不要?如果要的话,那I was born in China.为什么不是in the China?如果不要的话,那有一首歌曲名字就是Born in the USA what's it 可以这样缩写么 咋么选2、--I’m sorry to trouble you.-- .A.The same to you B What a pity!I’m sorry to hear tha2、--I’m sorry to trouble you.-- .A.The same to you B What a pity!I’m sorry to hear that C It doesn’t matter D Thanks a lot 请问彭蒙惠英语的广播播出时间到底是在什么时候?杂志上的时间和调频是对的吗?我听了好几次,都没在说英语吗!说的是什么农民什么的,我就奇怪了,到底怎么回事? what's gotten into him 中'S指的是is还是has,还有was和is是不是都可以简写成'S what was 可不可以写为 what's 雅思作文 There are more and more cars in the cities. Pedestrians and cyclists are endangered by the不知道怎么写 大家帮帮忙There are more and more cars in the cities. Pedestrians and cyclists are endangered by the traffic. What’s more nowadays there are many hobby classes,some are r__calsses and some classes are during vacations it's of importance to educate people to regard animals as our friends The room has forty chairs.把它改写.意思要一样 模仿例句,写句子例:40 chairs,in the classroom → There are forty chairs in the classroom.a teacher’s desk,at the front of the classroo.a hospital,next to the hotel.90 teachers,in my mother’s school.a lot of trees,in front of the house. the air in mountain areas is _ that in big cities.A.as fresh as.Bfresher.than C as.dirty.as D.dirtier than