
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 10:01:31
―用have greater understanding of填空.经过老师的解释,我们对这篇文章有了更深的了解.we ― ― ― ― ―this text after the teacher explained it to us. Look for the right person on the right time!翻译成中文 i'm the right person you are looking for英语应聘的结尾,是不是这样说,还有什么好的我就是你们呢想找的人 商周青铜器铸造的特点 你还知道哪些商周青铜器?请将名字写下来.想一想,商周青铜器有什么特点?用途是什么请尽快 1、 My house is ‘across from the park’.对‘’ 的部分提问 2、There is house behind the big tree2、 改为疑问句3、His house is near our bank.同义句转换 His house is --- ---.2空4、The hotel is in front of the bank.同义句转 Behind_______house there is _____tree.(填介词) 声音的分类 概率中的分类算法 分类概率把一副扑克牌去掉所有得QKJ.还有俩张王八,剩下40张,然后20个人,没人抽2张,求所有出现得可能! 44.I have new image and nobody ________ me.A.see B.sees C.know D.knows41.An old friend of my sister’s always helps my brother and _____ with _____ English.A.I,our B.me,our C.me,ourselves D.me,my 42.Wang Lin _______ very popular.He is the captain of nobody后面跟have还是has.--Who___been to America?--Nobody___(have/has). do you think you are a good person(?)the job 列举商周青铜器铸造的主要工艺. To the world,you are a person,to a person,you maybe the To the world,you are a person,to a person,you maybe the world. 商周青铜器有哪些 you are the right man ------ the jobA for B of C to 应该选A why? 商周青铜器有那些商周铜器有哪些,名字写下来,并写上各自的特点,用途,3、4个例子就行,不要太长 举例说明商周青铜器的艺术特征 How often do you brush your teeth?答语 How often do you brush your teeth in a day 同意句:How often do you brush your teeth?Twice a day .__ __ __ __ __ do you brush your teeth.What' s the weather like _ _ _ Whai' s wrong with you?_ _ _ with you?Would you like some coffee?_ you _ some coffee? 英语翻译李将军广者,陇西成纪人,广家世世受射.广居右北平,匈奴闻之,号曰“汉之飞将军”,避之数岁,不敢入右北平.广出猎,见草中石,以为虎射之.广廉,得赏赐辄分其麾下,饮食与士共之.广之 连词成句:1:gets,o,she,usually,up,late,sunday,morning2:often,you,your,do,how,teeth,brush接着上面的:4:is,the,of,year,jenny,student5:a,she,right,waters,the,times,plants,week大家帮忙看看:这里还有:句型变换,每空一个词:1.yo 英语翻译 英语翻译广以卫尉为将军,出雁门击匈奴.匈奴兵多,破败广军,生得广.单于素闻广贤,令曰:“得李广必生致之.”胡骑得广,广时伤病,置广两马间,络而盛卧广.行十余里,广佯死,睨其旁有一胡儿骑 arcgis裁剪后的图像在ENVI中打开显示是白块是怎么回事啊? 请教ENVI图像的几何校正步骤(初学者)没有地面控制点的情况下怎样进行配准? 如何用ENVI把不同图像中的相同地点的某个像素点的值读出来.按时间把这个点的值连起来,. 怎么用ENVI计算两个时段植被的变化,给出变化的图像并统计变化的面积 He willagree to do what you require ___him. a.of b.from c.to d.for选什么,理由,谢谢 -Tom,you must do as you're told to.-Oh ,I must,___ A.must B.should C.needn't D.mustn't