
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:41:19
I can play computer hames with my brother.改为一般疑问句 My brother can play foot ball改为一般疑问句不好意思是改成否定句 I am going to play the violin一般疑问句 The woman in the skirt is my chinese teacher.如何提问?后面还有 ———your chinese teacher?如题 谢 Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets .So.love the people who treats you right翻意下 with the development of science and technology,great chenges have taken piace in people's life.还有另一种说法吗? Tom和他弟弟一起去巴黎 Tom,( )( )( ) his brother,( ) going to the Paris. Man,born of woman,is of a few 求翻译:The woman is the reflection of the man . 女人是男人的未来 WOMAN IS THE FUTURE OF MAN怎么样 She often goes to school at seven thiry.对画线部分提问 There were as many as 80 person.as many as 作连词?副 the ( ) number of the people killed in the earthquake came up to 1200.首字母是t People are worried that the number of deaths may keep i___ because of the earthquake. How many people are there?people如果是可数名词,那么是通的,可是people是可数名词吗?可是people网上不是说不可数码 翻译even for much 翻译 not even old boots We descided to raise money for the old in that old people' home.翻译 英语翻译Even if it may generate objection from most people As the noises are ——of big cities,some people prefer live in the countryside.——填什么A peculiai B particular C special D characteristic 选什么 改错:Some people will live in a space station. People who live in some of the world's most economically important cities are spending more and mor谁能帮我翻译下 特别是 get to and from work 改为一般疑问句 She goes to work at seven in the morning but for people who live in pollution cities like Tokyo,there's some bad news.通过这句话我们知道A.Tokyo is a very clean cityB.Tokyo is a small cityC.Tokyo reports bad news every dayD.Tokyo doesn't often rain now she jog to school in the morning every day 当中哪错了 Other people will add that poems must have a certain form ,with a fixed number oflines and a fixed rhyme pattern ,such as a sonnet .with rhyme ,most people mean the rhyme of sound of words at the end of lines该怎么翻译? the fact that many people are suffering from a number of undetermined diseaethe fact that many people are suffering from a number of undetermined diseases ----that the nuclear radiation still affects this area.为什么填suggests 而不是suggesting the number of years that a person has lived他让我回答,首字母是A,该怎么回答??? 我打开柜门,站在柜门前一下惊呆了.一具骷髅悬挂在眼前,由于柜门突然打开,它也随之轻微摇晃起来,让我觉得它好像马上要跳出柜门朝我扑过来似的.I was astonished when I opened the cupboard.A skeleton The book written by LU XUN was famous为什么说用written是过去分词作定语?难道不可以用writing by LU XUN这个词组作定语来修饰book吗? The boy is reading a book which was written by Mark Twain 改为同义句咋改 people who live in cities ( )to suffer from stress more than people in the countrysideA tend B incline为什么B 不对啊 不是都是倾向于的意思吗