
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:48:23
我们应该知道如何娱乐.英文怎么说. 中国地方性报纸,娱乐版主打明星是.英文怎么说? 下列图形投影不是线段的线段,直线,圆,梯形,长方体.圆为什么可以是线段,长方体为什么投影不是线段? 《偶尔停下来,感觉真好》为题,不少于600字.2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名.不得抄袭.紧急,急救,紧急 It opens e_ in the morning中间填什么……………… it is best to water plants either e___ in the morning or late at night 英语翻译文莱 斯里巴加湾市 巴勒斯坦 锡金 甘托克没写清楚的首都请帮我填补,改正, Look+like+a+girl,+act+like+a+lady,+t+hink+like+a+man,+work+like+a+boss什么意思 English is like a ().it makes people in the east and west understand each other.填词 快 娱乐时间 用英文怎么说 i donts have a sister还是i dont have sister 和朋友玩耍用英文怎么说 经常喝羊奶有什么好处?能美白么?男人喝哦 孕妇可以喝羊奶吗?羊奶补什么? In this festival,people usually watch the _in the _ People don't celebrate______in the westA mid-autumn festival B dragon boat festival Challoween Dthanksgiving day 英语翻译the more the more it is five__ twelve in the morning填介词 It was 3:45 in the morning when the vote was finally taken中in the morning是介词短语做的表语吗?如果是那么这个3;45是在里面补充说明吗?还是其他什么成分 这里能理解成it is.when句型吗 还是分开理解还有就 it's a flat( ) ten rooms填介词 It rained heavily ____ the day. 填什么介词?呃 五花八门的答案 填什么。。 have的适当形式 I______a pen You_______a pen she/he________a pen we__________pens they_______pens In a marathon race,what does the winner loes? People usually use s_ to show what you must and mustn't do填什么?快 brush your mother 求中文翻译 Will you wash your hands and face after that? 怎么翻译? 与同学发生矛盾了 作文和同学发生矛盾了 事情的起因经过结果 450字 感应led日光灯与led日光灯有什么区别? the show taught children not to steal by describing how people might feel翻译 Brush your teeth ,Tim.要改为否定句 《与恐龙同行》3D 开头第十二分钟那首英文歌曲部分歌词如下:“one day i fell in love and you took all of my heart,twenty four hours, blue sky,sun rays” 在学习中,小明发现:当n=1,2,3时,n方-6n的值都是负数,于是小明猜想:当n为任意正整数时,n方-6的值都是负数,小明的猜想正确吗?请简要说明你的理由