
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 12:03:09
everyone wants to be happy.when you are happy . you l____everything you do and everyone around you . if you are happy when staying with friends,try to make more f_____.you can c____with each other ,help each other and have f_____together .it can make -----she was invited to the ball made her very happy A.what B.that C.when D.because为什么选B不选A啊、、求解释 I hope you happy,I am happy because you are so happy. 英语六级不过可以考研吗? 考研英语和英语六级能说明一下这两者哪个比较难,还是说就是侧重点不同? 英语六级和考研有关系吗? 考研英语有六级难吗 it is a good idea for parent s to see to it that their children learn to swim at an early age.怎么翻译? Do you want to do well in exams?Sometimes your knowledge is not enough,you also need good strategDo you want to do well in exams?Sometimes your knowledge is not enough,you also need good strategies.Here are some for you:●Before you answer the quest your english skill need to be ...and i think you're right.i need to sleep.good dream.啥意思?省略号后面基本懂了 前面不知道怎么讲 The first invalid belief is that we need to be good at something when we start. 这句话何解? 求泰坦尼克号英文读后感,关于对真爱的理解,1000词内 两小时之内,如题,对真爱的理解,我是手机上的,只能最高放20分,但一定追加,绝不食言 急求什么是真爱英语作文250词左右 “考研英语”和“英语6级”有什么异同?(难度、词汇量、题型等)越详细附加分越高! 用一般现在时描述过寒假做的事(英语短文) 汉语拼音和英文字母有什么关系呢? 请问汉语拼音与英语字母有什么关系么? 考研英语和英语六级哪个更难? 英语六级比考研英语难吗 考研英语比六级难多少 运用一般过去时态和一般现在时态,各写两篇英语短文,每篇不少于10句.五年级的英语小作文就可以了,不要太长哦! 英语六级和考研英语,哪个难? is for a here you card(连词成句) Here is a card for you 和This card is for you表达的意思有什么不同,有什么区别 为什么英文字母跟中文拼音几乎完全一样?英文只是多了V而已 大家列举几个一般现在时,一般将来时的英语句子来看看 为什么这个英语句子是用一般现在时表示将来时间I'll see you don't get lost. 过英语6级需要多少词汇量? 英语六级的词汇量有多少啊好多人都说5000多 但我背词汇书 从高频到低频的那种,背到只出现过1次的单词总共才1000多,一本书加起来也不到2500 英语6级要求的词汇量有多少? 英语6级 大概需要多少词汇量,rt 连词成句picture a drawing this a or