
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:57:35
尤字去掉一点,弯钩里加个王字读什么就是最后一笔的弯钩里加个王字.是在佛经里看到的,请问有人知道么? Choose the best answer:(见问题补充) 观察下列等式:9-1=8,观察下列等式: 9-1=8 16-4=12 25-9=16 36-16=20 ... 这些等式反映自然数间的某种规律,设n(n≥1)表示自然数,用关于n的等式表示这个规律为( ). Choose the best answer from the 4 choices .Choose the best answer from the 4 choices .1.Since the introduction of the new technique,the production cost ____ greatly.A.reduces B.is reduced C.is reducing D.has been reduced 2.I hope they ____ this road 女生做什么工作好,还能照顾好孩子 好孩子儿童世界怎么样 GOODBABY好孩子育儿网怎么样 黄种人、白种人、黑种人的杰出人物! 我朋友遇到了一个问题他想知道黄种人、白种人、黑种人的杰出人物事迹! 世界杰出人物的图片与介绍(白种人,黑种人,黄种人)十分钟过了20.15至30分悬赏15分秒杀开始秒杀开始20.15至40分有一分20分 His uncle ____for more than 9 yearsA.has come here B.has started to workC.has live here D.has left the university My uncle has bought the violin for more than three years哪里错了啊 拼音和组词2个, with the teacher's help,Tom made much p_____ this term填空 I made the cakes ( ).Help ( ),Tom.(选择)A.me,yourself.B.myself,yourself.C.myself,me.D.myself,myself. I made the cakes ( ).Help ( ),Tom. My cousin has made rapid progress in his studies this term,____ the teacher praised him yesterdayA of which B by which C for shich D to which 为什么人类那么聪明? 好词好句高中版 发展的实质是什么,本质又是什么? 英语翻译If you put off doing your homework,you will have it on your mind,and you don't enjoy your free time so much.If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test,you will have too nuch catching up to do.A little bit eac 发展的本质是什么 英语翻译The uncertainty had the effect of magnifying fear,and the party used fear to discourage people from concerning themselves with politics or public affairs. “感悟”英语怎么说?如题 两小儿辩日中两个小孩从不同感觉上出发,得出反结论,说明了什么?表现他们什么精神? 两小儿辩日 两小儿辩斗是什么事?他们为什么会得出不同的结论. 英语翻译A celebrity is a person who works hard all his liffe to become known ,then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized 请问,围棋有多少白子?有多少黑子?怎么下棋? 有一堆围棋子,黑子是白子的2/3,现在取走12粒黑子,添加18粒白子后,黑子是白子的5/12,现在白子,黑子各有多少粒 一堆围棋子,黑子是白子的3倍,每次拿5枚黑子,2枚白子,拿若干次后,白子拿完,剩11枚黑子,白子共()个 什么蜜蜂在华从中什么的飞舞 蜜蜂在空中飞舞像什么