
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:35:14
Do you agree good weather can make people happy?Why do you think so? which scientist proposes that Day Star let down 是动副结构吗?代词必须放中间? ________ going to visit the scientist?no,i'm not going to do that. The pen ______he is writing is mine.A.with which B.in which C.on which D.by which 【解析】 求高一英语解答题答案The pen __ he is writing is mine.在线等!A. with which B.by which 请写出详细解答过程. It's _____(舒服)sitting with him under the tall tree. 那些违反道德法律的社会事件,如药家鑫现象,小悦悦事件,地沟油,瘦肉精,染色馒头,黑心腊肉,性爱艺术谈谈上述社会事件中违反了那些道德规范?又违反了哪些法律规定?你认为在当今社会中,如 一些法律案例的问题,答案要具体,细节要说明轻清楚,急用~一、马某,16周岁,某中学学生.一天,她到工艺美术公司以4500元购买了项链和宝石戒指,她父母认为她尚未成年,没有征得家长的同意,不 The pen.He is writing is mine的意思 什么是法律问题,什么是道德问题,结合现在的社会现象说明一下 翻译in the first paragraph 英语翻译Some planets are near to the sun.The sun is not a planet.It is a star.It is very hot.It is also very big.It is much bigger thanany planet.In fact the sun is the biggest thing in our solar system .The Earth is the third planet.The hottest waiting for you here!if you stay with me that will be enough for me! lt lsn't my pen .whose is it lt's( ) A.he Bhim C.his D .he's He is lost his pen again.这句话是否有毛病? he wants you to know that this meeting is very importanr. 选词填空He often tells us______ his country.(about,on)I still lve music____sports.(except,besides) The worker often tells his wife about his ______ (everday) work. Jim often _____ his favorivte book A:talks to B:tells about C:talks about 要说 为什么 想要一个酷酷的女英文名,我叫li yan 最好有谐音看看有没有从西班牙语来的名字本人有点沉闷... mushroom是 MUSHROOM怎么样 英语翻译当我读完这本书时,我就把它放回到书架上 帮忙翻译成英文,谢咯!他坚持他的理想,并通过努力,最终取得了成功. 也许.我只是你生命里的局外人怎么翻译 “在这一刻我觉得我只是一个局外人”的英文翻译(准确点) 对于任何事我都可以做一个局外人.杂用英语翻译这句话啊! z开头的女英文名rt多给些参考啊越多越好 有没有Z开头的英文名字?有谁知道以Z开头的英文名吗? 帮忙起个Z开头的英文名!要好听的,不要太简单也不用很复杂,四个字母就好,谢咯.女生 My daughter made a card to give me as a birthday present这句话对吗 "TO"要去掉吗?