
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:14:28
I draw some horses in the picture.(Question with "who") 这里面的that 引导什么从句?accomplishments这个词在里面是什么意思?past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment While I was standing__the window,I saw several boys running__the street第一个空格at没问题,第二个空格填along.为什么不能填on? While I was standing _____the window.I saw several boys running _____the 接上面没打完。street,A.at along B on at C in on D to in 再问一个:in the wall on the wall while i was c the window c后添什么 包头连续几年文明城市? 包头市是全国文明卫生城市吗? All ____I have done is wrong为什么用that不用which? P____ what you have done is completely wrong Everything I have done (is) for the leader and the boss! 由九曲黄河联想到的句子歇了, you work in quality control department you discovered that something has gone wrong with a machine in a routine test.write a memo to Mr.Rick Smith,Quality Control Manager,to report this matter and offer a suggestion for a thorough check of the whole rich boss牌 男士牛皮纹理休闲鞋怎么保养清洁 如何辨别波士真假 波士手表真假怎么看 请问请问,You can never convert an Apple into an Orange.公司一个外国人丢了一句这个话过来...汗. In fall,I can enjoy the apple.The word "enjoy" means"____" 求关于考古学的英文节目 考古学家用英语怎么说? big shocking face是什么意思啊?如题,谢谢! brazzers什么意思 brazzers mobile是什么意思 给你一个巨big的face是什么意思 哪位高手帮我翻译下这句话What path should i take?个人情感方面的好像 考古学家于2009在河南省安阳县发掘了一座东汉大墓翻译成英语 芙蓉楼送辛渐表达了诗人的什么志向? ______was natural,he married Jenny.A.which B.that C.this D.as选什么?为什么? which will cause him to not be admitted to a good university!我们认为应该是cause him not to be ,但是老师说这个是分裂句是对的,但是他木有说理由, Physics is _______ to the science which was called natural philosophy in historyPhysics is _______ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.alikeequivalent likely uniform Pritt stick的中文意思,好像是一种品牌胶棒, 写出唐代诗人王维的“少年行”这首诗的意思 made ln singapore我想知道的是翻译成汉语的意思 called的所有中文解释 十分钟以内