
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:53:00
亲们,谁能帮我找一个简单易懂的英语笑话,100字左右,附带汉语翻译. 生物与人类生存的基本要素是什么? WHO IS MY MR.RIGHT 改为一般疑问句 There are some baseballs on the floof There are some boxes on the floor.变一般疑问句时需要把some 改成any吗? There are some cards on the floor.(改成一般疑问句) There are some vegetebles.(改为一般疑问句) Lucy can sweep the floor.(改为一般疑问句) 如果有一个机会让你许愿,你会许什么愿望什么愿望都可以,只要你能想到,只能许一个愿望.(要真心的) 如果给你一次许愿的机会,你会许什么愿望? Who is my princess? some his friends还是some of his friends为什么不可以some his friends呢?是不是形容词不能与代词同时修饰一个名词?再问一个啊most students=most of the students那个the可以不要不? 人的一生到底是为了什么而活着 翻译英文 哥哥嫂嫂 一路顺风 有的人死了他还活着 有的人活着他已经死了 这句话是谁写的 有的人死了,他还活着.句中的“人”是指( )的人 He can come now.用when提问.应该怎么写?RT He can come now 怎么变一般疑问句是 can he come now?还是 Does he can come now? he can come in改为一般疑问句 Will Mary go to the movie us?I dont't think so.She ____to go shopping (has decided)为啥用这时态 be filled witn 造句 急要 be filled with造句w我没写作业 She invited me to go to the movie和She has invited me to go to the movie的区别我是问二者意思上的区别!!我也知道第一个是过去时第二个是完成时!! full造句 there are (two) balls on the floor划线提问 There are many blue big balls on the floor.修改病句. 一帆风顺的English怎么说啊? 向流星许愿真的能实现吗?怎样可以实现愿望? 大家来为自己许愿了!你的愿望会成真的哦!08年好事多坏事也多,真是悲喜交加的一年啊.09年已经匆匆迈开了他的步伐,不知道大家在09年都有些什么愿望,感兴趣的就在这里许下自己这一年的愿 翻译:Li Lei and Li Ming are in the some school,but not some grade. 将he has some new friends at school.改为否定句he [ ] [ ] [ ] new friends. Mike can jump very high.(改为一般疑问句,Mike can jump very high.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) The frong can jump very high.(改为一般疑问句)