
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 09:04:44
through the water 还是across the water在水上滑是through还是across我觉得是across但答案是through wcsh you have a wonderful life lines across the waterGeneral Electric,GE,has been unlucky in love.Its courtship of IBM ended in tears last year,when it sold its shares in the Dell at a loss of £120m.its agreement with Lenovo ended less unhappily with a profit of over £20 加湿器有声音不出雾 name,is,last,his.Miller可以组成什么句子 Wish erveryone have a wonderful life!这算是中式英文吗? 马铃薯波斯语单词怎么写 To make a wish是什么意思?TO dream a dream是什么意思? 怎么样才能快速会默英语单词? make a 英语单词怎样才能快速默出 please make sure you have made a note of the products you wish to order Make A Wish make a 主要是代表什么含意? 英语里什么叫元音,汉语什么叫元音元音是不是被组合的音,比如说你(ni)那前面的n是辅音,后面的i是元音,元音只能被辅音所组合,是不是啊?英语的元音和汉语的元音是不是一个概念啊? 英语中什么是元音和铺音 求这些字的读音 Remember to switch ( ) the gas.填空急are yes off have for at what can't just the中选 if i could have just one wish.i'd have you by me side翻译成中文是什么意思? 中国汉族人的典型特征是什么? 我姓汉,汉族的汉.请问有人知道吗 我国汉族有多少人? I can do the dishes.Remember to rinse off the detergent. It's time to go home.的同义句怎么写? 1.It's time to go home now.(同义句)We()()home now It‘s time to go home .同义句 It‘s time for -------- 四字成语的最后一个字,读音中有a的成语有哪些?越多越好!比如:拉、插、撒、花、喳、杂、画、哑等等等等………………必须是形容啰嗦至极的! 求最后一个字读音以a结尾的成语!要是有意思 打一个成语 + 一个字读音 + 一个动物名1.打一个成语11132.“宿命”的“宿”的读音3.一种用来捕鹿的猎狗一而再,再而三 —— 第一题提示:和乐音有关.第三题提示:反犬旁加上一个“是”字 求四字成语,最后一个字发音是“han”的有哪些?如题. Tom,with his classmates ____football every day.A play B plays 选哪个 Tom and his classmates often ______ football after school.(play)