
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:45:45
一道有关英语语法的选择题(在线等).( )today,he would get there by Friday.A.Would he leave,B.If he leaves,C.Was he leaving,D.Were he to leave 组合词中结尾的清辅音都不用读出来吗?有的时候后面2个清辅音 比如一个[F] 一个[T] 2个都不用读吗? 历史造句 如图所示是运载火箭点火起飞的.运载火箭点火起飞的情景,在火箭离地升空的过程中,火箭中搭载的卫星的能量及能量转化为什么是机械能的总量增加? 关于英语语法,O(∩_∩)O谢谢14. These ________ sell well in this bookstore. a. child's b. book of children's c. children's books d. books of children请老师详细解释,O(∩_∩)O谢谢. 英语语法 \(^o^)/~Life in the future will be changed a lot .Life in the future will change a lot.Life will change a lot in the future.Life will be changed a lot in the future哪一种是正确的啊?请说明理由、谢. BEC中级B1过没过 一道英语高考模拟题!It has been universally acknowldged that the whole world is ______ stage,and all the men and women are merely _______ players.B a the C a; 不填正确答案是C疑惑:如果选B,理解成,所有人都是舞台上的表 英语高考题 模拟题1 3.Which person do you prefer to ,the one with ___ long hair or the one with __ long beard?A.a;a; B ; ; C a; ; D.; a ; (正确答案是D )请讲一下hair beard可数不可数的用法2 情景交际 I ’m going to the p 把I变成MY的过程,是主格变宾格还是什么?就是把"我"变成"我们的"我变成我的,是名词变成物主代词吗?我分不清了, 我想知道l do not have no choice 连词成句:1.my,father,dy,often,to,goes,dus,work.2.she,grandmother,her,like,see,to.3.goes,he,to,aiways,bed,nime,o'ciok,at.4.is,only,there,one,in,bag,apple,the. I would also like to,but some do not help,I have the final say.翻译成中文谢谢 英语翻译but it also can help point the way to the source of the logic mistake这句话怎么翻译 mine的主格和宾格分别是什么 是不是 for后面要说我的朋友,不能用my,得用mine?宾格形式?In return for mine friend…… 作为对我朋友的报答 mine(人称代词宾格)mine的人称代词宾格是什么?作业! 句子里什么时候用宾格啊?mine是谁的宾格啊? 春秋争霸和战国七雄的兼并战争是否有积极的作用?为什么? treat me 后跟副词还是形容词?1 treat me 可以 跟副词还是形容词?2 treat me well ,well 这里应该是副词吧?3 对我不好,treat me bad 、/ badly 用哪个,这两个词好像都能做副词啊. sisters,my,go,will,with,you?连词成句 you picnic and go the get will cooler 连词成句!kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk take sb.away是带别人走还是让别人走 替换 take . away from sb.Don't take away your hands from me, or I'll fall dowm. A take off B take out C take ... off D take up... on 请把几个选项翻译一下 Have you got any envelopes,please?Here you are.这句话Have you got any envelopes?怎么翻...Have you got any envelopes,please?Here you are.这句话Have you got any envelopes?怎么翻译.what kind of money do you have in England?这句话明明 媚俗的意思是什么?从艺术的角度”媚俗”怎么解释? 什么情况用宾格形式,还有me和mine的区别. 关于开小型咖啡店?开小型咖啡店,但没经验,想从了解咖啡到成为高级咖啡师 应该需要多久?不加盟开店的话,要学到什么程度,从什么开始准备啊?我并没有多少资金,还请有经验的人士给我点计 ( )Would you like to see a bird show in the park with me this afternoon?___.I will go to visit mygrandparents.A.I hope so.B.I'd like to C.I wouldn't like D.I'm afraid not. 庸俗、低俗、媚俗!~解释哪位学识渊博人士解释下这3个词..详细些!~ 庸俗 低俗 媚俗之风 你怎么看 形容海的四字词只能形容海