
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:10:55
我会陪你到世界末日用英语怎么说? 我会陪你笑英语怎么说? 我会陪你去香港,用英语怎么说? When he arrived,they were (having supper).对括号部分提问 They are having supper ________.A.at the brown's B.at he browns'at the doctor's在诊所。在我叔叔家:at my uncle's.为什么要用at the browns' You don\'t know me at all,I sayI love I"d like a cup of coffee 和They are having supper的问句 they are having a PE lesson.对 a PE lesson提问 they are having a PE lesson now(对划线部分提问)PE下划线! Let us call it a day. 今天就到这里吧 Let's call it a day.可不可以说Let's call it today.解释下原因. let's wrap it and call it a 墙上的窗户是开着的吗?(用英语怎么说) 英语的,连读,爆破,弱读,同化,浊化规则是怎么样的?我要详细和全面的. 请指教!关于英语连读、弱读、失去爆破等,如何学习?记住这些拼读规则简单,但是要是带到文章中去就很难了,如果刻意的去在文章中找哪里可以连读,哪里可以弱读等,这样很费时间不说,而且 1.The Greens ___supper now.A:is having B:are ;ha1.The Greens ___supper now.A:is having B:are ;having C:is having D :are ;having 2.The children are ___TV .A :watch B :seeing C :watching D :reading It is time for us to having supper now(找出其中一处错并改正) 初一英语将下列句子改成否定和一般疑问句.Mary is having supper now.初一英语将下列句子改成否定和一般疑问句.Mary is having supper now.是两个句子!否定和疑问! call it quits call it quits 是什么意思?稍微详细点、 call it a Passenger:Piccadilly,please.I have an appointment at 10.30.Taxi Driver:I think we can make it if we get a move on.Taxi Driver:Here we are,sir.Eighty pence,please.Passenger:Many thanks.Let us call it a pound 某车间22名工人生产螺母和螺钉,每人每天平均生产螺钉1200个或螺母2000个,一个螺钉要配两个螺母,为使每天的产品刚好配套,应该分配多少名工人生产螺钉,多少名工人生产螺母? 某车间有28名工人,生产螺钉和螺母,每人平均每天生产螺钉12个或螺母18个.若有x名工人生产螺钉,其他工人螺母,恰好每天生产螺钉和螺母按1:2配套,则列方程为 某车间22名工人生产螺钉和螺母,每人每天平均生产螺钉1200个或螺母2000个,一个螺钉陪两个螺母.为了使每天生产的产品刚好配套,应该分配多少名工人生产螺钉,多少名工人生产螺母?请问有算数 猫和老鼠英文介绍短篇其他的电影也可以(今天就要) 用英文描述一下“猫和老鼠”这部电影 猫和老鼠用英文怎么说 他们的名字就叫做Tom和Jerry,世界上最有名的猫和老鼠,请介绍一下着一对欢喜冤家~ Have you got the e-mail address?这句话有没有错误? 一个英文小句子翻中文~I'm just unwilling to return to loneliness againHas the way that I pursue happiness been wrong?I'm just unwilling to return to loneliness again it's ur call的中文含义是什么 let's call it a day