
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:32:03
借助计算器,用二分法求方程2x=3-lgx在区间(1,2)内的近似解(精确度0.01). 利用计算器,用二分法求方程x^2-2x-1=0的一个正的实数解,精确到0.1 英语翻译Long ago,you are zombie with a bulletproof heart.Until you met Helena,warming you bulletproof heart!Helena is pretty girl,like a star on sky.but she was dead!Day after day,you must keep on living without her.Her spirit will be go on.中 4.2x+3.9x=7.2的方程解答 方程2x比3等于7比2的解为多少 1.(x+1)(2x-3)-(x-1)(x+2)=x.x+71.(x+1)(2x-3)-(x-1)(x+2)=x.x+72.(2x+1)(4x.x-2x+1)-2x(4x.x+1)=03.(x-3)(x+2)=x.x-16 麻烦帮忙看看这句英语有没有语法错误I like beautiful buildings,so I want to be an architect.如果有更好的说法,也敬请回答! 已知f(x)的定义域为R,对任意x,y∈R,有f(x+y)+f(x-y)=2f(x)f(y),且f(0)≠0.求证:y=f(x)为偶函数 请英语好的朋友帮我看一下这句话有没有语法错误 You'll always be my dream,although this dream the impossible come true,although my distant darkness but you will brighten my day at the foot of the road. 定义在R上的函数f(x)是偶函数和周期函数.若f(x)的最小正周期是π,且当x∈[0,π/2]时,f(x)=sinx当X属于(π/2,π】时,求F(x)的解析式题目中为什么f(x)=sinx不是sin2x?Ω不是等于2π/T么? 用二分法求解方程x^2-8=0的根的近似值 用二分法设计一个求解方程X3—2=0在后【1,2】上的近似值的算法 这个英语句子有没有语法错误They think surfing the internet is hamful to not only our health but also our studing so that we aren't supposed to surfing the internet often but in correct time. 请问这个英语句子有没有语法错误?“Remember,we are the best.” 帮忙看看这个英语句子有没有语法错误I regarded him as a handsome man is the reason why I couldn't help loving the man whose name is Johhny Depp when I saw his film which is called Pirates of the Caribbean first.老师要我们造一句 借助计算器或计算机,用二分法求方程x^3+5=6x^2+3x的近似值 已知a是方程x∧2-3x-2=0的根,试求代数式a∧3-2a∧2-5a+3的值 用二分法研究函数f(0)=x^3+3x-1的零点时,第一次经计算f(0)0得其中一个零点?x0? ?第二次计算回答好的加分 用二分法求函数f(x)=x^3-x-1在区间[1,1.5]内的一个零点(精确到0.01) 函数y=log1/2(-x^2-2x+3)的单调增区间是多少是多少是多少,说出为什么 函数 y=log1/2(2x-x2)的单调增区间为: (急速 现1小时内)已知a是方程x^2-3x-2=0的根,则代数式a^3-2a^2-5a+2008的值 关于函数图像计算器我想买一个来玩玩滴看我哥那个不错挺好玩的他的是TI84他去香港买的好贵丫要1000了快我买的话我买肯定不让的啦只好自己买了太贵买不起%>_ 在同一坐标系中分别画出函数Y=X与y=1/x的图像,试用这两个图像说明何时x比1/x大,何时x 比1/x小? 借助计算机,用二分法求函数f(x)=lgx和g(X)=1/x交点的横坐标(精确度0.1) 函数f(x)在计算器怎么按? 英语高手请帮我看一下有没有语法错误!急我们是一家年轻富有活力和创造力的企业,我们集设计与制造于一体,在一些柔性的材料中融入我们的思考和创意来为客户提供好的产品,用以赢得共同 求函数y=log1/2cos(x/3+π/4)的递减区间我算的是( -9π/4+6kπ,-3π/4+6kπ ] k属于z 今天就要啊 帮忙看一下这两段英语有没有语法错误,Apparently,the purpose of the pictureis to emphasize the importance of cooperation in our daily life,imposingtremendous pressure on all individuals.So it is sensible for us to choose cooperationin t 帮我看一下有没有语法错误,英语Good afternoon everybody.As we know,there are many kind of foods in the world.Indor to describe easily,I dive them in to two parts,eastern foods and western foods.Let us start with the eastern foods.I think