
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 22:39:17
怎么称呼外国人?在商务信函里比如一个西亚人的名字AHMED AL MOKBILY,我给他写信,开头怎么称呼啊?是Dear MOKBILY还是设么其他的? remark remind glimpse continue difference lie seem sack risk edge He sat down on the ( )of his bedMany people ( )loudly on her absence .I am not sure what ( )behind their remarks,but it was not good will.I caught a ( )of her face as she ran past .The He told me his story and his sister是that of还是the one of I`m very 什么 by his story单词是i打头的 求AE景深插件 FL Depth of field ,1943841541@q 用迟疑和虚伪造句 兔起鹘落,两个成语怎么造句? 如果用浓度百分之九十的酒精溶液与百分之六十的酒精溶液配制浓度为百分之八十的酒精溶液,那么看它们的差,六十到八十相距二十,九十到八十相距十,差距之比的倒数二比一就是需要百分之 求一道判断题的正确解法苏教版2009-2010学年度第一学期小学六年级数学科第四阶段辅导训练(内容:第七至九单元)【三明大田】第二大题:仔细推敲,认真判断.第5小题;六(1)班、六(2 波特墓园Potter's Field这个词语在英语国家中是不是有特别含义?就是约定俗成的俚语,或者大家都知道典故.我看到一些外国小说里都提到. Welles was ____that hundreds of people belived him and his storyA.such convinced B.so convincedC.such convincingD.so convincing i was telling him about my travels when he ___ with a story of his ownA.broke inB.broke into C.broke awayD.broke through The earth is our's.这句话对吗?那么,The earth is our.对么,它们有什么区别,第一句是倒装吗 listen very carefully.our ship is leaving soon.we are going around the word 是什么意思 长大后我要当一名飞行员 英语 怎么写 翻译 他也想成为一名飞行员 观察:2分之=1*2分之1=1-2分之1 6分之1=2*3分之1=2分之1-3分之11)从上面的式子中你发现了什么规律2)适用你找出来的规律计算:1*2分之1+2*3分之1+3*4分之1+…+49*50分之13)观察下面的算式,你能找 弓如霹雳弦惊谁写的 The criminal is dangerous and will stop at nothing to avoid being sent back“to”prison引号to去掉? The criminal is dangerous and will stop at nothing to avoid being sent back“to”prison.引号to去掉 The bookshop has different kinds of birthday cards(改为同义句) ( )( ) differednt kinds of birthdaycards( )( ) 斑马和斑驴有什么区别? 怎样区分2只一样的斑马? 白马和斑马有什么区别呢? 毛毛虫是大自然最丑陋的动物,但它长大后却成大自然最美丽的昆虫,丑陋的毛虫化蝶后为何如此美丽? 体现团结、和谐 的小组名字 短一点 不要太幼稚 化蝶的传说 指_____故事准确的 我的学习小组名叫:东方不败 要做组牌 该用什么样的背景呢 不要太幼稚的 一道数学阅读理解题船在水中航行时:顺流而下,顺水速度=静水速度+水流速度 逆流而上,逆水速度=静水速度-水流速度某人乘船由甲地顺流而下到乙地,然后逆流而上到丙地,共乘船7小 帮我找英语短语帮我找下人教版从初一到初二的英语短语.最少要300个哦. experiment(n.)和experimentation的区别? 感冒一词出自?