
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 22:42:41
junk this thing.it's broken 里面的BROKEN是过去分词还是过去式?IT'S BROKEN 可以写成 IT IS BROKEN吗? I live ( )the fifth floor,Room 5 A A on B in C at 请选择,并说原因. the room___the pictures are on show is on the fifth floor 用which还是where人?为什么?the room___the pictures are on show is on the fifth floor 用which还是where?要详细一点的原因 Mr.Green lives in a ()room on the fifth floor.A.three-bedsB.three bedC.three-bedD.three beds解释原因(详细点) his room (n ) is 305 on the fifth floor 括号里一个单词还有 He is all (r ) now ,but his doctor doesn't allow any (v )until this afternoon 学完了六年级上册 品德与社会),你收获了哪些知识?快呀,马上要交卷了 帮帮我! (六年级上册第八单元)学完这一单元,我最大的收获是: 学完这学期 我最大的收获是:;今后还需要努力的地方是:22:30点之前一定要 你的英国笔友Tom下周要来中国人家作客,请参考以下提示给他发送邮件,告诉他一些注意事项,并对他的到来表示欢迎.1.初次见面互相握手.2.可以买一些小礼物,如花,巧克力,饼干等.3.可以称呼朋 Do you like your new teacher,Jim?这句怎么翻译啊? Yes,he is friendly to us.问题:Who is friendly?A jim b jim"s mother c jim" teacher`选哪个?谢谢哦这是2010年陕西中考题。我买的听力真题,正在做,答案为A,不明 请帮忙翻译Quite often we have to play host to them though it's their home ground. They were all late for the meeting将上面那句改为否定句否定句为:——,——,——,——late for the meeting 记性差怎么办?我今年19岁了,我感觉自己记性特别差,经常几个小时前看过的东西或听过的事要想半天才记得起来内容,还有几天后要做的事,事前就告诉自己要记得,到要做的时候,又给忘了,有时 why were you so late for the meeting today?_____ to the office was very slow this morning because of the traffic.A.Driving B.To drive 记性太差了当我看到我喜欢的书籍或者诗歌散文时,我很喜欢这个作者的一些文字,但是当我看多了或者去了解时我就记不住了.以至于常常看到别人或者朋友聊天时居然喜欢的是同一个作者 诗 we are gttting reday for the coming sports meeting.coming加为什么加ing, 讲讲这句话:let's get this over with为什么加个with get This apple Id has not yet been used with theitunes store一定要在电脑上激活吗?ipad可以吗? 一长方体,5.7,将其表面涂满红色,然后将其分割成棱长1的正方体问:1面红色的几个2面几个3面几个0面几个 订的报纸没拿到怎样投诉 今天什么报纸有2010回顾 Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "","")引号里面具体代表什么?请各位帮忙指教一下,谢谢! this page reguires AC_RunActiveContent.js.是什么? skip this This is my JSP She is kind to help people who are___troubleA.at B.for C.in D.on 汉译英:实力鉴证品质,品牌缔造传奇 请问: ever-critical 和 time-to-market是什么意思?请问: Companies are subject to an ever-critical time-to-market that they can't change.中的ever-critical 和 time-to-market是什么意思?谢谢!那么 Companies are subject to an ever-criti 营销售员用英语怎么读 1.He____ ever____ (be)to the Science Museum several times.这只是一道2.______ you ever______ (be) to the zoo?Yes.I______(go) there last spring .I______ (see) many animals there.3.Where is Mr Zhang?He _______(go) to the library.4.The Whites_____ ( 口号:诚铸精品 英文怎么翻译? 销售人员用英文怎么说