
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 22:38:07
Under a big tree ____ ,half asleep.A.did sit a fat man B.a fat man sat C.did a fat man sit D.sat a fat man he was a student.he has been a student.从理解上有什么区别哪个能表明现在是学生现在不是了 英语翻译 because(对应词)korea(语言) begin(动词的现代分词) child(名词复数) 和because意义一样但比它高级的词有什么 The village has a big tree under where which the villagers often have meetings.这句话是否有问题?有under where这样的说法吗?我觉得应该不要where.是否是这样呢? Because 就这两个单词! 新概念四的一句话In the organization of industrial life the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected.Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at l 现在人们通常说的“撞墙”是什么意思啊?比如:你就等着慢慢撞墙去吧, 英语翻译1、How can I get there by walk?2、How can I get there on foot? 英语翻译原句“I will go this alone ,I don't need nobody's help ,I've got to do this myself.”其中的I don't need nobody's help中,究竟“我”需不需要帮忙?英语里也有双重否定句吗?句子是老外书上的,句意语法应 英语翻译1、Adding to social changes today is an enormous stockpile of information.答案翻译是:除了当今的社会变化之外,还有信息量巨大的问题.不过add to 有“除了...之外”这个意思么?答案翻译正确么?2:T 撞墙是什么意思 英语翻译你帮我译好了这个句子“The turn towards non-academic presidents underscores the financial concerns that often face smaller,less well-known liberal arts colleges”聘用非学术型的校长来管理学校的做法反映出一 because 与哪一个词搭配?because不能与so搭配,那与那个词搭配?thank thank thank thank...(n)... 句式转换:1、The dog lies (under the big tree).(对括号提问)2、The woman’s telephone number is (85697733).(对括号提问)3、Stephen is doing her homework in her study.(用often 改写句子)Stepen _____ _____ her h 台山话 什么叫死脚?模模糊糊知道一点意思,但具体意思是什么? 德语一句话对不对?In den Alpen hat er ein Landhaus.其中den 用的对不对? 新概念里的一句话It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home.是什么从句,还有句子成分是什么...急 德语一句话我是天才翻译成德语是什么把音标注上,谢谢 用德语说一句话~我厌倦了现在的这一切,放弃,重新开始~ 看看德语一句话Nur wir sind eingeladen,( )niemand.odersonstsondernsogar 传真机出现fax in memory.怎么处理?传真机之前还可以..今天在收传真的时候,收不进来.然后出现fax in memory.跟paper jammed..然后一直滴滴,的叫..现在还没停..也不能复印.请问怎么了?要怎么处理呀.谢 they sort of come racing in. 我知道有A marry B A be married to B但有没有A marry to B ? 新概念的一句话The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance句子成分怎样划分 我的成长足迹作文 要个好的开头和结尾 英语翻译要全部的翻译,百度百科只有其一. 英语题!一分钟内回答,看到就来My mother often leaves me for a long time on my own(改为否定句)My mother _____ _____ ______ me for a long time on my own. 关于……的消息用英语怎么说?急用求1分钟内解答, 阮籍《咏怀》第七十九首诗原文及翻译. 请教《新概念英语》(4)上的一句话《新概念》第四册第二课第十二行it is impossible to make more than the wildest guess...译文给的是:我们简直无法猜测...,请问为什么这样翻?那位能