
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 02:01:15
过去时的反问疑问句 I was so lucky,weren't 还是wasn't “酉”再加一个“枼”是什么字啊?拼音怎么念啊? 一个酉加一个甘是什么字要读音 where what you do? 科技发展利大议论文400字,下午我要用,尽快~~~~~议论文 科技发展弊大议论文注意:议论文 只要弊大!30分钟写完有奖! 科技发展利大 议论文 议论文,科技发展的利与弊(可以复制粘贴)可以复制粘贴,但是靠谱点.我要翻译当英语作文用.2000词的其实最好是给我10个论点,我自己写(最好是和环境有关的). 求400字议论文 科技发展是利大还是弊大 本人感激不尽! in a fun way跟in a funny way 有什么区别 this is ------(he)box ,that ,s -----(you) need后面接什么形式的动词 求一个600字议论文,上网的利于弊,晚上要用, more than one___taught in this school.A.language is B.language are C.language be D.languages are don't need 和need not 怎么用?后面该加怎样的动词形式 科学发展利大还是弊大(我是利大)(要一个400字左右的陈词) 英语翻译我想知道这句话的意思是什么? 后面是个表语从句,前面是什么从句?帮我分析一下这个句子的结构.The main reason why they support the idea is that name is important. Need做行为动词修饰什么快快 think是动词吗?need是动词吗? Most women liked going out _____ hats on their heads in England in 19th century. Jhon Snow was so well-known a physician in London in the 19th century as to help ordinary peopleexposed to cholera which was the deadly disease of its day.请问这个句子中的exposed是什么用法 我国“两会”用英语怎么说? 请问 广州市基督教两会 英语怎么说? 用英语解释下列句子.What does maple leaf represent? what does "established" represent in this sentenceWe are a well established company dealing in all kinds of electrical products -lightning and cables.in the above sentence,is "established" necessary?what's the meaning of its exist. what need does this situation represent for me? How are you? I'm here in England____ (write) to you 1.( )you live here now?2.I have got( )friend from England.3.Please write to( )4.He can ( )a bike.5.They are ( )America.6.Do you want( )her pen friend?7.Does she like( 8.My brother can ( )some English.9.—Can she play th different color represent what各种颜色有什么含义~要英文的~罗列或文章都可~ 英语中的thinking,thought(两个都是名词)用法有何区别 thinking n.和thought n.有什么不同?请举例比较.