
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:14:06
there is no light in the dormory(宿舍).They must have gone to the lecture,___?A.didn't they B.haven't they ——the farms have been to the US.___really?when there?a.did they go b.have they gone 孔子周游列国 去了那个国家后说了 逝者如斯夫 There is none here,they must have gone to school意疑问句是什么 “中秋”一词最早出现在? 怎样舒缓压力,放松心情 七年级上册英语朗读小笑话 "Next the sun"是啥意思? the classroom is empty.I think they( )to the library.A.should have gone B.must go C.must have gone D.may go head为头结点,head->next是表示头结点地址还是第一个结点的地址呢? 如何练好口语 t开头,且用在句首的英语单词 怎样才能练好口语啊?具体点可以吗? 小学一到六年级的英语重点句子最好列出来. 在回家的路上我会顺便去一趟商店.(要求有call by at,on sb's way home)英语翻译 大家来帮忙改错别字、写字呀1、随声除he( )2、古式古香3、万事具备4、慨莫能外5、揪负盛名6、惊凝不定7、遮天敝日8、誓志不移9、坚定不逾10、挑拨离间11、振人心弦12、百折不挠13、抑 怎样才能写字快且少错别字? p->next=q; 和 q=p->next; 的区别是什么? 画图解释 孩子写字太快,容易写错字,怎么办? “newp->next =headp 求一篇350字左右的作文 英语口语:寒假怎么练习口语最好?除了与人对话不现实,因为都是回了家.其他的都可以.有经验的指点几点? 孔子的主要政治思想和主张是什么? 完成下列对话,(每空一词).a:hello,(1)_____ i speak to mike,please?b:hold(2)_____,please,i'll get(3)_____.who's speaking,please?a:(4)_____ is jim,his classmate.b:(5)_____,jim.i can't find him.can i take a message(6)_____ him?a:yes,please a 根据表格信息完成对话,没空一词 go,bed,to,time,does,baby,the,what?怎样拼成句子,要完整回答! 补全对话 没空一词A:What's ---- name?B:---- name is Li Lei.A:Where is he ---?B:He ---from Cina .A:---he your friend?B:Yes,-- --.A:Are you from Cina?B:Yes -- --. 英语补全对话,没空一词.A:Tom!It's late.Why are you still()bed?You must get up and ()ready for().B:I don’t()well,mum,I ()I'm ill.A:Oh,dear.()()?B:I don’t know.My()hurts.A:Really?()you are ill, 看图,补全对话,没空一词.A:Good evening,Grace.B:Good (1) _,Mike.A:Look!(2)_this(3)_(4)_B:(5)_a(6)_.A:(7)_color is it?B:It's(8)_.A:(9)_it,piease.B:P-E-N.A:(10)_you 看图补全对话,没空一词.(英语) how mang seasons are there in ayear?what are they?