
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:57:13
(对不起,都是我不好)用英语怎么说 现在傍晚排沙特馆排队什么情况啊5月份去的时候被前面的队伍震撼了,现在6月份如果在4点或5点左右排沙特馆的话大概还要排多久啊 what panned to see grandpa li the next week 对画线部分提问划线部分 to see granpa li _ _they_ _ _the next week? right和correct,wrong和incorrect 有什么区别 对划线部分提问I plan to go to Kuanming for the coming holiday对划线部分提问I plan to go to Kuanming for the coming holiday(划线部分:to go to Kuanming )_____ do you ______ ______ _____ for the coming holiday?同义句转换Each of I plan to go to Kunming for the coming holiday.(对to go to Kunming提问)______ do you ______ _______ _______ for the coming holiday?2.Maria hopes she can get together with her family soon.(同义句转换)Maria _____ ______ _____ together with Right or wrong和Correct My love will get you home 歌词 wrong和 incorrect有什么区别吗.. Kangang's family plan to go to Suzhou d____ the holiday. CORRECT和RIGHT有什么区别? 我想有一个人可以没事就联系我,而不是每次都是我主动联系她.这句话用英语怎么说? 北京西班牙驻华大使馆在哪啊?怎么坐车啊? 我希望你每次看时间的时候都能想起我,用英语怎么说看时间(看手表的意思),不要用那些在线翻译软件,用那些狗屁不通 元素周期表中第三副族到第二副族十个纵行的元素都是金属元素?所有主族元素的原子,都能形成单原子离子? I went to Shanghai with( my family).对括号部分提问 元素周期表中,为什么副族和第VIII族元素是过渡元素(都是金属元素)?这样划分的依据是什么? l went to Guiyhou with my family(对划线部分提问)划线部分是my family They_______(go)to the park last sunday,用所给词适当形式填空,还要说为什么那样选择 Will he go to Shanghai with you?这句话写得有语法错吗? where shall they go next Sunday改错 right和correct有什么区别求教 商务英语作文what kind of company do you want to work in?谁能帮我写篇作文或者是演讲稿,不要太长,150字左右就可以主题是what kind of company do you want to work in when you graduate?state-owend enterprise,joint-venter ente 才子们,麻烦帮我翻译下了.(if I follow the wrong star.) You're wrong.Please follow my a____. if you are a famous star,fans will always follow you的同义句 怎样搽去塑料表明的油墨 The Nokia N95 mobile phone is more expensive than the Nokia N73 mobile phone.(同一句转换)The Nokia N73 mobile phone costs_____ _____the Nokia N95 mobile phone. 请大家看一下这句话this phone call is very expensive,请问phone call在这里是什么意思呢 港口应该建在什么样的地方 不是某个具体的港口,就是修建港口的区位因素,我要理论知识能否比这个更全一点? You'd better--------(keep)off your mobile phone during the concert.用所给词的适当形式填空.