
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 00:46:09
Teb days[ ] long enough for tom to finishi his design.He does not need more.a.is b.has been c.was诸位可以告诉本人如何选择吗 感激不尽 two days are not enough for me to finish thework .i need _____ daya,otherb,the otherc,the thirdd,a third 数学题啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~注:要算数方法! 急啊···>_ 不定积分第一换元法题解答有一步看不懂,请指教题目中有这样一步,我看不懂,我一直理解dx就是x的微分,是Δx趋近于无穷小的值.也就是说dx是一个整体,表示无穷小的Δx,不是d和x的乘积.可是这 I Learned From You 仙境之桥片尾曲含义 They learned from the textbook that New York the largest city in the worldA was B wereC isD being Franz Schubert was a famous musician in the world,but heFranz Schubert was a famous musician in the world.But he lived a very hard life and often suffered(遭受)from being hungry.One day he was very hungry and went to a small restaurant,hopi he learned Chinese from me.变成一般疑问句 用合适的句子补全对话Shop assistant=S Tom=TS:(                )?T:Yes,please.I'd like a pair of football shoes.S:(                )?T:White.S:( 用适当句子补全对话 用适当的句子补全对话 He is my favorite film star .I regard him ____ other starts .A.more superior to B.more superior thanC.superior to D.superior than为什么是选C,是regard .to . who is yuor favorite musician?(改为同义句) which musician do you—— ——? 七年级下册英语作文 My favorite musician字数50词左右 cafe上为什么会有一个撇 cafe 这个词中字母e上的一小撇是怎么写的,为什么要加一个小撇? cafe这个单词为什么e上面有个撇? Give him my regard!Take my regard to him!这两个一样吗? look as与treat as的区别 treat me as a friend. We look on him as our ____?A friend B friends 选择哪个?为什么? 关于父爱作文,劲量简单一点看了你们的答复,我已经想好了.准备写我的爸爸的爱, 关于父爱的作文,不要太假,就向平常写作文一样. 有没有能实现物体直线连续往返运动的方法吗?往复式电动机如何实现往复运动 在actionscript3.0下,求高手朋友帮忙看下这段,急啊%>_=1) {    set("/t" + i + ":xx",eval ("/t" + (i-1) + ":xx") + 15);    set("/t" + i + ":yy",eval ("/t" + (i-1) + ":yy"));    i = i-1; // 函数 Eval(Variable):获 ln(1+x)\(1+x^2)的不定积分 溪村即事的全文解释与鉴赏!急用 唐代崔道融的《溪居即事》的意思是什么? 关于暂估入账今天做题的时候遇到了个问题,说是上个月购买的材料,材料已入库,但是发票还没有收到.答案是这样的:借:原材料 -600贷:应付账款 -600我不明白为什么要用负的?这样做账对吗? 英语翻译帮我翻译这个句子,如何是开票金额比较小的,我都一般先叫客户暂估入账. 柴门闻狗吠,风雪夜归人. 柴门闻什么吠,风雪夜归人.