
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 19:50:58
pieces of paper and other things that people leave on the on the 用一个词如何表示? 翻译:man often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life:death and taxes. The things that you can t get are the best 翻译 孙中山和康有为在政治思想上的差异RT 各位大侠帮帮忙~ what do you feel 还是how do you feel 如果是两者都可以用,区别是什么?是不是两种都可以用? what do you feel 和 how do you feel 两个问句有什么区别? How do you feel like和How do you like和What do you think of what do you feel how do you feel翻出以前的一题————do you feel about pollution?Pollution makes me worried and sick.填what还是how要有说服力的理由啊what do you feel 这个句子有的啊 I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard翻译·I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong sister of my mother is my the sister of my对不起,这句话是the sister of my mother is my____________选自 my sister looks like my mother.(改为同义句) my sister loks ____ ____ _____ my mother. My mother's sister is my a( )括号中填什么? My sister is my mother's( ) 不省力也不费力的简单机械工具有什么?帮我多想几个, 英语写一篇日记通常包括以下几个方面:1 the weather 2 date and day 3 what you did 4 how you feel 还有 有什么俗语形容做一件事虽然尚未成功,但是已经很有进步了? 谁能给介绍几种不错的英语杂志高二水平的,难度适中,有趣味性,涉及知识面广的,谢谢 John swims the best in our school.===__ __the __ students can swim __ __ John in our school. 翻译individual is in debt to society 我们学校的学生人数超过了两千._____ ______ ______ the students in our school _______ over 2,000. who is man翻译过来是什么 24.To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten,the students in our school started a discussion “Save Our ________”A.Sky B.Life C.Arts D.Voices 英语翻译连词成句1.you,nice,see,to2.is,man,that,Who请翻译 求一个形容成功的七字成语!喂,你那个是六字 我感觉不舒服,我得去看医生.翻译成英语 How do you do?的答句为什么可以是What do you do我说错了,答句为什么可以是How do you do HOW DO YOU LIKE CHINA?=WHAT DO YOU____ ____CHINA/ Wir gehen am besten so vor ,dass wir erst einen Plan machen,wie wir vorgehen wollen. Der graue Herr rechnet Herrn Fusi auf dem Spiegel vor,dass dieser schon seine ganze Zeit bis auf die letzte Sekunde verbraucht hat.补充:为何用dieser?末尾的er根据句子中哪部分变的? Bundesaussenminister Frank Walter Steinmeiter machte sich unterdessen fuer eine zwiete Genfer Konferenz zum Konflikt in der Ukraine stark .请问 stark 这里怎么解释呢? 你在美国的生活怎么样英文翻译.知道的发下哈. 副词是要加在动词的后面么,比如:work hard?