
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 14:30:12
写一封信给父母向他们诉说自己的烦恼并询问解决的方法 英语作文50词 最好带中文 燕子长大后的样子是什么样的? 英语翻译还有读音. —Where did you meet him?—It was in the hotel____I was staying.A.that B.which 怎样判断时强调句还是定语从句?C.where D.when 小燕子渐渐长大了,它的羽毛也逐渐( )了快~~~~(>_ I can't find Mr.Smith .Where did you meet him this morning?It was in the hotel _______ he stayed.A that B where Cwhich D the one为什么选B而不选A 请你仿照例句,写两句充满感情或哲理的话.冬去春来,生命在运动中延续;老鹰告诉我:________,____________________;麻雀告诉我:_______,___________________.(不用在意格式,前面是个四字词语就行, 燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候.但是,聪明的,我 燕子的运动方式是 ,其飞行器官是 . 一道英语单选题,where did you go on holiday this summer?England.You are ____.We went on a 10-day tour ti Paris.A.funny B.right C.cool D.close.选哪个呢?where did you go on holiday this summer?England。You are ____.We went on a 10-day tour Could you please tell me where the restrooms are是宾语从句吗? could you please tell me where the nearest office is?A.I beg you pardon?B.I can't hear you.C.say it againD.why?请说明理由 请帮忙把复合句改简单句:Please tell me where we show our tickets.2 .Can you tell me how I can getto the post office?3.Rose doesn't know when they are going to repair the watch. my hobby英语作文写我喜欢打篮球 Could you please tell me ____?A where does he live .B where he lives C where he lived in D where di could you please tell me where the nearest postoffice is locatedcould you please tell me ()?a where the nearest postoffice is located b where is the nearest postoffice located 选哪个,为什么 燕子的本领有多大 英语:外派到X公司英语怎么说 派遣函 用英语怎么说?需要标准的翻译, 周期性神经炎吃弥可保和b1还是和b12好 什么是弥 证明信,派遣函用英语怎么说? 周期性神经炎吃弥可保和b1还是和b12好 什么是弥可保 那个男孩一个星期一次给他母亲打电话.(翻译)帮帮我! 一个小男孩给另一个小男孩的妈妈打电话英语怎么写 This is the hotel where ( =in which / at which) they were staying.这就是他们当时住的旅店.这句话为什么能换成in which / at which? Is this the hotel in which you said we were to stay 这道题把in which换成where行不行? I haven't decided which hotel __A is to stay at B is for staying 选择哪个?为什么 燕子几月孵化 这是什么蛋啊?能不能孵出来? 乌龟蛋怎么孵出来? 我这个精灵蛋能孵出来谁? 用there is /there aer /have/ has填空.__a chair in the room.