
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 21:08:45
(2分之1-3分之1-12分之5)除(-36分之1) (2分之1-3分之1-12分之5)除(-36分之1) (-36)÷(-1又2分之1)×(-3分之2)对不起~我抄错题了~(-36)除(—1又2分之一)×(—3分之2) (要过程)不要写符号要数字 [1-(2分之1+3分之1)]乘36 若b(b≠0)是关于x的方程2x^2+cx+b=0的根,则2b+c的值为 若b(b≠0)是关于x的方程x²+cx+b=0的根,则b+c的值为() A.1 B.2 C.-1 D.-2 若b(b≠0)是关于x的方程2x^2+cx+b=0的根,则2b+c的值为____. 已知等差数列an的前n项和为Sn,bn=1/sn 且 a3b3=1/2,s3+s5=21 求证b1+b2+.+bn 用U形管测定管道中A点的压力,若读数h1= 300mm,h2=600,求PA值 ( 1)p1为汞,P2为密度是850千克每立方米 流体在截面相同的明渠中流动时由伯努利方程推导出h1-h2=w/ρg时.为什么v1=v2,p1=p2啊.还有明渠是个什么东西? 19世纪中期欧洲历史同盟国等等 19世纪以前欧洲戏剧的历史过程十万火急 英语翻译Developo your character in a rough form and design the costumes changes.Later a designer will convert your sketches into final model sheets.As you begin your storyboard you can plan rough-out the whole board and then go back and “clean 英语翻译11.VEHICLES IN MOTIONThe limits of animation as compared to live-action become very apparent when you desire to show a vehicle traveling along a road.The live camera can position itself wherever it is needed alongside or in the car and th 英语翻译13.YOUR WORK AREA & MATERIALSStoryboarding requires intense concentration for extended periods of time.Just as the script writer or any other artist for that matter,needs a quiet corner in which to work,the storyboard artist should plan t 英语翻译Roughing out a sequence such as shown on these pages will enable you to experiment and be creative without locking in your ideas too soon.Be sure to put in your scene descriptions,diaslouge and sound effects as you go so far that you can 英语翻译THE CLOSE SHOT The CLOSE-UP is single-head shot used to capture subtle expression when a person is speaking or reacting or when you want to direct the audiences attention to a prop.A CLOSE-UPA variation of this shot is the EXTREME CLOSE U 关于等差数列等比数列的计算问题.1.已知数列an满足an+1=an+3n+2,且a1=2,求an0 因为an+1=an+3n+2,所以an-an-1=3n-1(n>=2)所以an=(an-an-1)+(an-1-an-2)+……+(a2-a1)+a1=3n-1+3n-4+……+5+2请问,an-an-1不是应该等于d吗? 一个等比数列有三项,如果把第二项加上4,则所得的三项成为等差数列,若再把它的第三项加上32,则所得的三项又成为等比数列,求原来的等比数列.(偶要答案!) 按规律填上数字:1,3\4,5\9,7\16,9\25,11\36,—— ,—— .横线要填的, 甲数比乙数多百分之十,则乙数是甲数到几分之几? 举出18世纪,英国 美国在世界上最有影响的大事各一件 1十八世纪美国三个主要作家?2导致美国独立的主要事件是哪些? 1/4,2/9,3/16,4.25,3/36,( ),( ) 求教一道等差数列(难)已知等差数列a2+a5+a6=12,求此等差数列的前9项和S9 1^3+2^3=9=1/4*4*9=1/4*2^2*3^2,1^3+2^3+3^3=36=1/4*9*16=1/4*3^2*4^2,1^3+2^3+3^3+4^3=100=1/4*16*25=1/4 等差数列一道a1+3a8+a15=120,求2a9-a10 一道等差数列的 请教一道等差数列题证明:在等差数列{an}中,若a10=0,则有等式a1+a2+...+an=a1+a2+...+a19-n(n 等差数列的一道提一个多边形的周长等于158CM,所有各边的长成等差数列,最大边的长等于44CM,公差等于3CM,求多边形的边数(要过程) 计算(1)12a³b²x³÷3ab² (2)(am+bm)÷m 12a³-12a²+3ab² -4mx²+8mx-4m 甲数比乙数少25%,甲数是乙数的几分之几?列式子.