
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 04:43:31
Write soon是什么意思 Write soon write I think about my name for a long time别来个中式英语的 Write soon!在信的结尾! Darling ,help me find my computer game,I can't find it.--__.I'm find it.AWith pleasure B Excuse meC It doesn't matter.D OK 选择填空Daring,help me find my computer game,I can't find it.A.With pleasure. B.Excuse me Darling help me find my computer game,I can't find it.--__.I'm busy now.AWith pleasure B Excuse meC It doesn't matter.D OK Can you help me ____(mend)my computer?我知道 help后面可以接三种形式1、help sb with sth 2. help sb to do sth 3. help sb do sth 其中的2.3 两条的to 其实是可以省略的.那么我认为这道题的答案应该是 to mend或mend 现在学西班牙语对就业有帮助吗 where do you think __he__the tv set?A./,boughtB.has,boughtC.did,buyD.did,bought应该选择什么? 英语翻译答案是the lord,the vassals ,and the serfs还是the lord,the serfs,and the clergy? scrap the project Abandon the project give up the project表示“放弃项目”这三者的区别? VB菜单项立save project group 和save project group as有什么区别啊? group project什么意思 怎样区分negative和positive我有个同学老是区分不了negative和positive,有什么记忆方法能很好的区分这两个单词并且不容易忘记的,请大家帮帮忙 has have加现在分词 怎么回答 那些表明态度的词汇,像:positive、negative、optimistic、pessimistic的英语词汇有哪些?全一点,cet-4中的态度题的问题 【英语】do和does的现在分词形式、have和has的现在分词形式.如上 怎么用英文说“乃是”等古文?众所周知的,比如negative=否.positive=然也.之类的“乃是”指的是就是.比如……岳飞,乃是北宋时期的抗金名将.之类的. 正,负一百,英文里分别是这么说吗?positive 100 .negative 100. 今游桃花源,作文要充分发挥战绩的想象力,写出当代桃花源的美好景象:要突出当代桃花源与陶渊明的桃花源的不同之处:写一篇500字以上的记叙文 给桃源人的一封信 作文 度过一个有趣的假期 英语 英文 :positive是negative的反义词 【作文】渔人又进桃花源桃花源记续写:请你运用想象,以“渔人用进入桃花源”为内容,想想会发生怎样的故事,写下来.网上没有,我查过了,最好在明天中午或明天晚上之前. 作文—— 桃花源记 渔人走进桃花源的眼神 桃花源记(想象作文如果你碰巧遇到刚从桃花源里出来的渔人,你会说什么) 文章先写渔人是如何意外发现桃花源的,然后写-----,-------;最后写渔人离开桃花源的情况 He has seen this play three days ago这个句子哪错了?效率效率! ying zi,even though one string is broken the other three will play on,and this is life! 改被动语态; My mother always tells me not to trust Robert I sent a letter to you last montherThe professor will give us a talk on computer next MondayJoe has returned some dictionaries to the school libraryDo these boys often sing the new pop