
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 03:32:21
一道五年级应用题:货运列车运粮食,每节车厢装100吨,还差一节车厢;每节车厢装120吨,可空下两节车厢,问:有多少节车厢?有多少吨粮食? they always make us feel sad 对sad提问 非常急 made her feel sadfeel 要不要加s 一道五年级的应用题,六年级一共有135人,平均每人植树6棵,五年级有85人,平均每人植树4棵.两个年级平均每人植树多少棵?(得数保留一位小数)问题二:平均每个年级植树多少棵? 打谷场 的读音“场”字 应该念几声 龙之谷 各职业各技能的读法和什么意思.我想知道.龙之谷里叽里呱啦的技能读的是什么.各种咒语的写法.读法.和意思.法师优先.我是光暗魔导,有人可以告诉我咩.重力的一行.跟光雨的一行.我 成功路上的铺路石与“坚持”、“勇气”、“恒心”、“信心”这四项之间的关系是? 我爱一个人,最多两个人,最后阿狗阿猫之中选一个 德语翻译 啭字的读音和含义是什么? (2/2)但做事有时会缺乏恒心和毅力,容易幻想,缺乏勇气和执行力,害怕冒险,我想知道这样的人适合做什么职业? (1/2)When may a man be said to have breakfast before he gets up?when he 狼王梦读后感咋写 “现在感觉很幸福”英语怎么说啊?是feeling very happiness还是feel very happy Being loyal to Huma is important,I think,to show they can stick things like this out.这句子里like this 改为同义句:Sometimes people are not be kind to animals. These people are____(kind) to animals I depend on your dependence这句话成立嘛.?我想表达 我依赖你的依赖 第一个依赖是动词 第二个是名词= =饿。。我想问这句话的语法和词的用法有错误嘛。 the day before(不加宾语)是不是只能用在间接引语中?比如说:Mike found his watch which he had lost the day before. You are my big depend You are my sunflower,I am your little sun . since they belong to the people at large.at large是作定语修饰people吗 how to the carry large people I heard it said that he had gone abroad 请问said 在这里是什么词性We thought it strange that Xiao Wang did not come yesterday.请问这里的strange是形容词还是副词 You should not—your hope.Everything will be better A:give up B:fix up C:cheer up D:put up 蒙太奇式作文怎么写 please remmeber "Just do it and future will be better".Cheer up! 初三英语该怎么学?基础不太好 一直都算是拉分的那科. 初三英语没基础英语完全没基础·怎嘛办是积累词汇量 还是··· 3000个 不可能7个月全记下来吧·而且还有其他科目···英语要打B啊··· 初三英语怎么学啊, 学不好初三英语怎么办 I occupy your heart to have am young,on a little? 初三英语怎么学