
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:32:48
帮忙解释一个英文名人名言~Every life is many days,day after day.We walk through ourselves,meeting robbers,ghosts,giants,old men,young men,wives,widows,brothers-in-love.But always meeting ourselves. ——James Joyce请帮忙解释一下 我只有11岁,但是小鸡鸡那个皮已经能完全翻开来了但是我的同学怎么都只能翻开一点我听说只有遗精之后才会完全翻开来,我这样要不要紧啊 谁来解决这两道题 1、用一个长方形纸制作一个圆柱,求体积.(如图1)2、把一个直角三角形沿一条直角边旋转一周后,得到一个圆锥,求表面积与体积.(如图2) 辩论 初中男女生之间应不应该过多交往 反方:不应该 求理由! 小学六年级男女生属于友谊的接触应不应该尴尬?(辩论赛) 正方:尴尬 反方:不尴尬我是正方,要有用的,能赢得比赛,最好是有经验的 答得好的有丰厚分加 辩论赛小学男女生应不应该亲密接触?正方 it is a beautiful day,————————?Yes,it is lovely 横线上的天什么啊 He has a knife.改复数句 Cause i want it all or nothing at all i didnt seeyou cause nothing 一眼望不到边,强调面积之大的词语是什么? He has a box,改为复数 犹豫不决用英语怎么说? 他变得犹豫不决了 英文? 为什么你总是犹豫不决 用英文怎么说? 几道犹豫不决的英语选择题!1.It's funny____in the pool.A.to swim B.swimming C.smins(这个不可能) D.swam(这个也不可能)在A和B之间犹豫.2.Eating____is not good.A.to much(这个不可能) B.too many C.too much D.to ma 忘恩负义的“负”是什么意思? 忘恩负义负字什么意思 英语翻译“但我仍在等待金钱的到来”的意思,要求尽量简短口语化 翻译Should modern society be criticized for being materialistic? 忘恩负义的意思 he hopes _____ (buy) his parents a big house it is criticized.it is criticized for the labor issue and its ruin to small businesses. By the time I got outside,the school bus ___(leave).Tim was seen ___(get) out of theTim was seen ___(get) out of the subway at the station on Centre Street. Being cool is being popular.第二个为什么用being?能不能不要being? 忘恩负义 的 负 是神马意思? ____(be) cool is being popular. being cool is popular 为什么不是to be 英语翻译请别在别的问题里,复制过来,因为那个是错的.BEING SCARED IS COOL ACTING SCARED IS LAME 给我举些姓氏表单复数的句子~ 翻译:I could not only surf the internet,but also watch DVDs