
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:17:14
can i help you 的同意句 can i help you 同意句 Can I help you?改为同意句 ____ ___you _____? 《辛丑条约》中11国分别是英、俄、德、法、美、日、意、奥、比、西、荷全称是? he played football regularly for many years when he was young为什么用 played,而不用had played,它不是动作开始于过去某一时间,一直延续到过去的另一时间,用过去完成时吗,而且for 前面不是要用延续性动词吗 make ready 要有例句 《春山夜月》哪一个字概括作者对景物的感受 为什么一直写或看一个字会感觉它不像一个字了?我在练字的时候一直写同一个字,就会感觉越来越不像字了,心想那怎么会是字呢!然后越写越别扭.看一个字也是一样的!为什么呢?希望我没有问 参与辛丑条约的国家为什么有11个明明是八国联军 歇后语杀鸡用牛刀 中国历史上的十圣是哪十位?请给出年代,名,字,表号 史上10圣指哪些人? 我国历史上的“六圣”指谁?A 我国历史上的“六圣”指哪六圣? 中国历史上有哪些“圣”?诸如:兵圣…医圣…诗圣…茶圣…书圣…画圣…还有哪些? 1 -3 5 -7 9...其中三个数的和为201这三个数是多少? baby,nice,the,look,was,at,to 中国的脊梁:A.岳飞 B.文天祥C.孙中山D.林则徐E.李自成F.戚继光G.王安石H.扁鹊 I.海瑞将上面的人归类:①埋头苦干的人是( )②拼命硬干的人( )③为民请命的人( )④舍身求法的人( ) 迎接新年,感恩长辈为主题的作文怎么写 收到压岁钱并用实际行动感恩长辈的作文写用什么实际行动好呢 虚拟语气 would 或should?Had you prepared for your lecture ,you__ more fluently.A.should have spoken B.would have spoken C.woudl speak D.had spoken A 也可以的吧?虚拟语气过去时的用法,主句不是would /should /could /might +have + 英语:in order that后面只能加should的虚拟语气吗?rt请讲解用法 红楼梦中贾宝玉游太虚幻境,喝的茶叫——,品的酒叫——,欣赏的歌曲叫——.还要简版红楼梦地址 用诗句写一个片段不是诗,是一段话 贾宝玉梦游太虚幻境石牌坊上的对联 Help me!Help me!Why I can not type Chinese?How can I do?Where is wrong?How can I do?I can type Chinese yesterday.But I can't type Chinese now.Please tell me how can I do in Chinese. Help!The computer can't type ChineseAt first I'm a Chinese.At the time I open my computer,I found that I can't type Chinese!Although I press the botton "Ctrl+Shift" to change the languege,it can't change.So now I can't type Chinese,help me please! 葬花吟中林黛玉葬的是什么花 【生物高手来】在红楼梦中当林黛玉感怀落花无情时,忍不住进行花葬经过一段时间在哪个地方在红楼梦中当林黛玉感怀落花无情时,忍不住进行花葬经过一段时间在那个地方,所有曾那么娇艳 Who can tell me that why can't my computer type Chinese?I have used "Shift",but I can't do it ethier.Who can help me?I tried Sogou,but when every time that the computer said"Finish",I can't see anything about Sogou printer on my computer,I even didn' 如图,圆的半径为2,C1,C2是关于x轴对称的两条曲线,则阴影部分的面积是 why i can't wrote chinese in my computerhelp me ,and tell me how to do in chinese.thanks a lot!sorry,i have 7 chinese ro in (打汉字的软件)already,but there shows me that something was locked...