
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:42:23
i need a beautiful English name for boy,now!Please give me suggest ,everybody!thanks 英语翻译他将会在5月21日去那里.他们迫补及待得想见到我.你想去购物还是去长城.3008这个数字中有俩个零. 英语翻译我坐在汤姆和麦克中间.桌子上有些苹果.粉笔在讲台上.我们什么时间在校们外见面.在那房子的前年有一个公园.我想他们正呆在家里.  英语翻译:他的书是根据一个短篇小说撰写的(originate) 描写花儿好看的词语? 描写花儿好看的词语,我要四个词语 英语翻译哪位高人能帮我翻译一下冰心的这句“成功之花,人们往往惊羡它现时的明艳,然而当初,它的芽儿却浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒满了牺牲的血雨”,吾将感激不尽! 奴隶,白痴:翻译成英文 要做时尚的主人而不是奴隶的英文正确翻译是什么 总在乎其他人怎么看你,那你会一直是他人的奴隶 翻译成英语 请教一下英语形容词比较最高级语法知识 能告诉我一些生活中常用的英语短语吗? 英语形容词、副词的一个语法题She was ___ in the spacious room and really ___ when she heard some footsteps approching.A. very alone; very afraidB. alone; very afraidC. very alone; afraidD. alonely; afraid参考答案给的是B,请问,alo 谁能提供英语短句的txt,最好是生活中常用的 过正常的生活英语短语怎么说过正常的生活.集中注意力.同意,达成一致的意见.允许某人去做什么 对.有影响 认真对待 英语短语怎么说 寓言 英语怎么说 毕达哥斯寓言用英语怎么说? 英语翻译一路飞驰 共创未来 小说里描写女生舞会时样子的句子女1:一双棕黑色的眼睛,可爱的娃娃脸,性格冷冽,不爱笑,穿着小礼服(重点是写礼服的样子和礼服配在她身上很漂亮的句子和女1的发型的句子,发型只要配衣 寓言故事,贩毒用英语怎么说? 这是一个中国古代的寓言故事.用英语怎么说啊 英语翻译In September of 1983,an art dealer by the name of Gianfranco Becchina approached the J.Paul Getty Museumin California.He had in his possession,he said,a marble statue dating from the sixth century BC.It was what isknown as a kouros—a sc 求小说中少女声音动人的词句?还有描写美女的词语和句子,越多越好!谢谢大家啦像那种“婉如清玲似的笑声”还有就是“脆生生的唤了一声”再是形容美女美貌的 英语翻译Many people like to watch TV.Watching TV is one of the most important things of the day.TV brings the outside world closer to people’s homes.Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.What’s going on in other count 昨天没有人知道他将于什么时间去北京.用英语怎么说 上海世博会韩国馆的英文介绍只要100到200个词,主要介绍一下韩国馆和你的感受.一些单词不要太难,大概是初二的水平. 求世博会韩国馆英文介绍如题. 我要写小说,求描写人物的句子.如题.男女的都要 写小说急需一些描写美女的句子是外貌描写 英语翻译Unlike starving artists everywhere,Bren Bataclan,40,is giving it away.He paints cartoon characters (neither human nor animal),with one big eye and one small one (he has no idea why),in brilliant colors,and he leaves his small canvases aro 英语翻译The front side of the enclosure of the gauge head should be adjusted parallel with glass surface.Good parallelism of the front side of the gauge head at both sides of the glass level is precontition for an exact,safe measurement,complete 英语翻译When no local emergency stop button is pressed and the global emergency stop customer contact is also closed,the monitoring contact of the servomotor drive is correct and the PLC is running the equipment is ready for operation.This is sho