
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:51:06
求函数y=(2x^2-x+7)/(x^2-x+4). (2 找一个女生好听的英文名字, 甲企业于2009年3月1日向银行贷款50万,期限6个月,年利率6%,到期还本,按月计提利息,按季付息,该企业3月31日该计提的利息为多少元! 两本关于中国近代史(1840-1919)书籍的读后感,一百字左右,一本50财富,共1001.写出这本书的主要内容(能概括就概括),2.里面哪些人给你留下深刻印象,为什么?3.读完的感触一共要列举两本,两 课文《詹天佑》是怎么来表现詹天佑的杰出才能的? 詹天佑杰出的才能表现在哪三个方面? 下雨天男生送女生回家下大雨,女生打不到车,男生特意送她去打车,然后打不到车就送她去坐车,雨特别大,男生陪那女生等了半个小时、全身都湿透了,但是那男生说那跟那女生只是好朋友,他说 translate this sentenceLocal businesses was invited to in this events,which included site tours,product information sessions,giveaways and an autograph session by AISI ambassador,Football League Kevin Sheedy. plz translate this sentencelittle sucker mending with dirtjust wanna guess a cute old star.when she was in 1998 we can say she is a little sweetie .now she has two baby.her pretty little sister seems as beautiful as she.so young only born in 1991.plz Translate this sentence!thank uCorporation abides by appropriate business practicesBe it resolved that,corporations in accordance to the laws of the countries it does business in,better serves its stakeholders by applying for patent rights to the hum 如何加强自身修养 “噢,原来是这样!”韩勃明白了什么? 《负荆请罪》第一幕   [幕启.蔺相如正在聚精会神地读书,旁边站着的韩勃气呼呼的,好像受了许多委屈.]第一幕  [幕启.蔺相如正在聚精会神地读书,旁边站着的韩勃气呼呼的,好像受了许 谁知道KFC中那么多的食物,翻译成英文怎么说? 英语翻译不是WE DO CHIKEN RIGHT 负荆请罪韩勃的性格是什么? 求教几道英语题,1.My mother hasn't decided_next/A How to do it/B how to do/C what to do2 John ask me_?A if I could him my car/B if can I lend him my car/C if could I lend him my car3 would you like some bananas?A no,thanks/B yes,here you are/C he hasn't decided what event to (enter for)什么意思?. he hasn't decided what event_____ ______ente 圆的周长与直径有什么关系 果断的判断主要内容 各国怎么过国庆 求助:analyze this sentenceanalyze this sentenceIt was Tom who is the brother of Jane broke the window yesterday. 翻译成英文:害怕你会报警 He hasn't decided_______.A.if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi.B.when will he go on a trip to Wuxi.C.if he foes on a trip to Wuxi.D.when does he go on a trip to Wuxi.请分析考点及解题思路. 某人于2008年初向银行贷款100万元,年利率4%,贷款期限是5年,约定按照季度等额季度等额本金偿还,则他在2010年1月应该偿还的贷款本息额为()元 A 65000 B 59000 C 68720 D 52000 我的练习卷给的答案是 某企在今年初贷款a万元,年利率为r,从年末开始,每年末还一定金额,预定5年内还清,则每年还的金额为要详细过程哈~~o(∩_∩)o whom did you go with还是who did you go with老师用的是后者不过有with 不是应该用宾格whom么~ 为什么西方新闻报道中会产生对中国的意识形态偏见 Whom do you wangt to go with?和Who do you wangt to go with?那个对?或是都对?还有To whom are you talking?To whom可以换成who么? g e m什么意思 CNN是什么? word组织结构图中在一个框中输入怎么会在两个框中显示我在word2003的组织结构图中,在一个框中输入的内容会同时出现在另一个框中,有些框可以选定,但不能输入文,不知是什么原因,