
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:43:36
求一篇The world's food crisis的四六级作文1.随着世界耕地的减少和人口的爆炸,人们越来越关心食品供应的问题2.为什么会出现食品危机3.解决食品危机的办法希望英语高手帮个忙. a glimmer of hope是? why is there a world food crisishelp me to explain the question use as many information as u can,but dont us too much scientific words please!please also give me the bibliography 不要给我参考的..要找我自己会找..但是那些网站上的 this party consists of five children.与this party is formed of five children.有没有不同,还是意思相 解放战争初期国共双方力量的对比? 解放战争国共实力对比怎样?具体说出国共各有什么装备,优势,外援等等 根据材料一说明解放战争初期国共双方力量如何? 为什么要把冥王星排除在9大行星之外 解放战争国共的实力对比怎样 解放战争时期国共个有多少兵力 有没有什么英语杂志里面有教语法的?希望大家可以推荐给我 用电高峰时两相电带动不起空调,而三相电却可以,怎么回事 我家的两相电是从三相电里拉出来的,为什么用的好好的现在两相电没电三相电有电? 浮生若茶是什么意思 suppose sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事, what am I suppose to do 为什么惯用suppose? suppose +宾语﹢to do 还有就是怎么用 丝袜用英语怎么说 吊带丝袜英语怎么说?连裤袜呢. want怎么写第三人称单数 请问这里是用suppose to还是用supposed topls instruct that who suppose(s or ) to be the end user of it. (2/3) be there now .A suppose to;B are supposed to;C supposed to;D were be found of中的of可以省略吗?如果直接是:be found,后面应该用动词原形还是动名词A cook will be fired at once if he is found_____in the kitchen.A.smoke B.smoking C.to smoke D.smoked buy的第三人称单数形式,为什么? 你什么时候才能得到重视? 关于初二第一学期物理的怎样从示波器中看出两副图的音调相同?响度相同? 期中 关于初二第一学期物理的题目谢谢! Recently a survey _____ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.A.compared B.comparing C.compares D.being compared我不明白为什么不选A呢 已知水从自来水管的管口流出时的速度为5m/s,水管的管口的横截面积为2平方厘米,2min内从水管流出来的水的体积为 立方米,质量为 kg Mr.Green has four English books.Mrs.Green has six English books.两句合二为一.Mrs.Green has( )()English books( )Mr.Green. “My God,this is terrible,” the wave says.“Look what’s going to happen to me!”怎么翻译