
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 19:59:57
英语 fail to win the gamefail to win the game请问:Mary wrote an article on ___ we all agreed to accept it.A.why B.what C.who D.that应选什么?为什么?并翻译一下 fail to win the game. Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed to win the game句子分析.Mary wrote an article on why the team had failed to win the game.这个句子中on why the team had fail是作定语还是状语. Mary wote an article on___the team had failed to win the game.A.Why B.What C.Who D.That答案选A,可是为什么D不可以? mary wrote an article on ___the team had failed to win the game.为什么不能选Da whyb whatc whod that为什么不选取D Look at their school bags,their full.错在哪里? 英语单选To our disappointment,the trip we had been looking forward to【 】in a heavy rain.A,startingB,start,C,to start,D.started. To our disappointment,the trip we had been lookTo our disappointment,the trip we had been looking forward to startted in the pouring rain.请翻译句子, 举例说明什么叫物质奖励,什么叫精神奖励? Don't worry.Everthing will be all right.请翻译 我想找物质决定意识的案件,最好是著名事件.1,物质的含义——物质是不依赖于人的意识,并能为意识所反映的客观实在.(1)关于"物质"的性质:客观实在性是物质的唯一特性.(运动是物质的根本 翻译英文Found out that our love is just a gorgeous game does not love me why do we need with me She helps doctors and patients_her work.填写? She helps doctors and patients_her work.填写?填in还是with呢?为什么? She helps doctors and patients 答句它的答句 wears,and,she,white,helps,a,uniform,doctors连词成句 英语翻译我们从星期一到星期五都要上课。是Our( ) ( )is from monday to Friday.括号里加什么? Our holiday is from ( ) ( ) to ( )( ).从一月十九到二月十九 【翻译】 most of our classes如何翻译? 你现在在家吗 用英语怎么说 我的妈妈在家,英语怎样写? 蜜蜂之间如何合作要开学了写关于合作的作文想举个例子= =别说得太科学,太枯燥了(主要是不懂.)大概一两百字的介绍就好了~当然如果能顺便举个别的关于合作的例子是最好不过的.但你们 《一棵小桃树》徐博达中,面对盛开的桃花,作者的情感发生了哪些微妙的变化? 面对“开得这样盛的紫藤萝\”,作者的感情怎样变化初中一年级上学期第16课《紫藤萝瀑布》 英语翻译帮我把这篇小作文翻译成完整的英文:暑假的一个星期天,天气晴朗,我和弟弟打算去水库游泳,我和弟弟骑自行车大约花了半个小时才到,当我玩的正高兴的时候,突然听到有人喊救命, 从我对第三只猫微妙的感情变化过程,表现了一种怎样的深刻的人生哲理? 英文怎么说.你宁愿在家呆着,也不上班是吧? 有没有解政治大题的方法 谢谢 100字左右的英语读后感(要求原创)高一水平如题,分数不是问题,若好,再加50分.要是再有篇观后感(要求同读后感),作品不同于读后感那篇,就更好.类似于1,2楼的家伙可以滚开点了,骗分不用 want to wanna be 正确意思是什么 泰山是怎样形成的 泰山历史上发生过地震吗? 山是怎么形成的,比如泰山等等!有没有图片或者详细说明一下呢.