
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 14:46:27
英语翻译One day,Mr.and Mrs.Black go shopping by car.They stop their car neara shop.They buy a lot to things.They want to put the things in their car.ButMr.Black can't open the door of the car.“Let's ask a policeman to help us.”tells Mrs.Black 英语翻译Harold was very disappointed last night.All the other students in his English class went to a party at their teacher`s house,but Harold never got there.He followed his teacher`s diretions,but he made one little mistake.From their school,h 英语翻译There are two lazy seabirds on the river near my home.Their are Frida and Fred.They live in the city,near the docks,on the north side of the river,but they always fish foe food on the south side of the river.The river is quiet there.A boa 英语翻译Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people .for example ,there are already robots working in factories .These robots look more like huge arms .They do simple jobs over and over agina .People would not like to do 英语翻译地球上有一部分人认为财富比健康重要,一大部分人认为健康胜于财富.我也认为财富很重要,但是我觉得健康更重要,因为如果没有一个好身体,有再多的钱也用不上.现在年轻人的压力 英语翻译A German thief steals a pair of shose in different sizes .So he goes back to the shop to change them ,but the police catch him ,"You may ask why he goes back into the shop with the stolen shose ," says a policeman ."He wants to change the 初一英语,翻译这篇短文,回答,采纳! 初一英语短文及翻译100字那位好心人帮帮忙,谢谢! 英语翻译The mid term exams have been done for several days,and I summarized some experience from the exams.First,the time managing is the most important thing to be mentioned.Although I finished the paper under the required time,it was also very 英语翻译ed smith has a great sports collection .he has 8 tennis rackets ,9 backetballs ,and 7 baseballs.he has 3 soccer balls and 5 volleyballs.but he doesn it play sports --he only watches them on tv! 英语翻译Thanksgiving Day is a public holiday.It is on the fourth Thursday of November in the US but on the second Monday in October in Canada.For many Americans it's the most important holiday apart from(除.之外)Christmas.Schools,offices a 英语翻译我的名字叫张丽,是个学生,家住在石家庄.我非常喜欢唱歌,因为我想当一个歌手.我有一个叫王丹的朋友,我经常和她一起去玩.我的爷爷、奶奶是工人,我的父亲是一名很棒的医生,我的 英语翻译是 外研版初一下册英语M2U1课文翻译 初一下册英语课文33页的翻译急需啊 各位帅哥美女知道的给发下 初一英上册语课文m8u1翻译 英语初一上册英语课文m8u2翻译 英语翻译 初一上册人教版英语书上面所有短文的翻译 初一下学期第70页英语课文翻译 初一下学期英语课文Module4翻译帮帮了! 初一下学期英语第一模块课文翻译 英语翻译Monday,july 15th great weather I It was sunny and hot all day.we went to a beautifui beach.we had great fun playing in the water.In the afternoon,we went shopping.the shops were too crowded,so I didn't really enjoy it.Tuesday ,july 16th T 英语翻译1.你为什么喜欢骑自行车去上学?2.因为我可以锻炼身体3.你爸爸每天花半个小时看书吗?4.我正在考虑邀请tom参加我的生日聚会 5.我的朋友正在帮我擦窗户.6.我想帮她学习英语7.我没什 英语翻译这是我们第一节外教课,这天大家都很兴奋,她来了,她穿着非常时尚的衣服,身高大约在165cm,她的名字叫做kajsa,是瑞典人,我们都互相打了招呼,并作了好朋友,我们大家都非常喜欢这位外 英语翻译蚂蚁是一种有社会性的生活习性的昆虫,属于膜翅目,蚂蚁的触角明显的膝状弯曲,腹部有一、二节呈结节状,一般都没有翅膀,只有雄蚁和没有生育的雌蚁在交配时有翅膀,雌蚁交配后翅 英语翻译我觉得白色衬衫看起来很干净,而且白色和任何其他颜色都搭配.i think white shirts look clean,and write ___ ___ ____ ____狗不穿衣服dogs ___ ____ ____那么我可以在书店多待半小时了i can ___ ____ ___ __ 英语翻译 英语翻译1、你认为万圣节怎么样?它太棒了.2、孩子们通常怎样庆祝万圣节?他们玩一个“不招待,就使坏”的游戏.3、我知道怎样做南瓜灯笼.(两种说法)4、当你生日来临的时候,你通常做什 英语翻译:第二课,有几种方式 初一英语课文的翻译!英文翻译成中文!I'am looking foread to seeing my daughter and her daughter,my granddaughter.I'm going to visit hem in China because it's my granddaughter's birthday.I'm going to take the planeto Beijing because they 英语翻译一篇文章,谢谢Most of the energy we use for heating, lighting, transportation and manufacturing (制造业) comes from fossil (化石) fuels. These are carbon-based fuels from oil, coal and natural gas. When we burn these fuels we re