
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:01:21
''Where were you last might?''''I__(ask)to help Tom at homeHis father usually ___(take)a walk after supper before 英语翻译如果它能做到与字幕相符不好吗?每个看到翻译成中文的欧美电影就很火,都是语音与字幕不相符的,真他妈差,弄的一个好电影因为这点都不想看了,只有CCTV6上的欧美电影翻译的还可以 Where were you last Saturday ——I____in the Capital Museum 以“爱”为主题,写一篇500字以上的作文 急 There is little snow this winter___?A.isn't there B.is there C.isn't it D.is it There is ____snow in Shenzhen in winter,is there?A few B a few C little D a little These shoes are comfortable ____ pretty.more thaninsteadnot onlyrather than选什么?我要理由!.可是,答案是rather than啊而且,不通,不能作为理由的啊 These shoes look very good.I wonder___A how much cost they are B how much do they cost C how much they cost D how much are they cost.我搞不清楚BC的区别,希望明白的人给我讲明白些. the love gone with the wind 有没有语法错误? it's very hot in winter there 修改病句. Gone with the love 的中文意思是什么啊? Then the tree answered back by refusing to shade the vegetables from the hot sun.的翻译. These shoes are 90 yuan .(改为同义句) ____ _______ _____ these shoes is 90 yuan.该填什么?Why? e m c w l o e能组成什么单词?急, e x o m i c 能组成什么单词是一个国家或地名 after the food has all gone Have you ever gone travelling on the train that was named after the letter D怎么翻译?直接说 你乘坐过动车旅行吗? after taking the medicine,his te- has gone down填什么 there_lots of snow,there_a lot of snow.空格内填is或are我想的是第一个空是are第二个是is不知道对不对,这个和谓语动词与单位词取得一致的说法是不是一样呢?a lot of &lots of 是不是都是量词短语? Are these shoes? 跑步作文400字,“跑步”为题目我不擅长跑步,的作文 My pencil is red .() is black .A:you B:your C:yours D:your's This is my pencil ,and that is your.改病句 a,c,o,i,z,m,e,l,p可以组成哪个单词 a,c,o,i,z,m,e,l,p可以组成哪个单词 There ________a lot of rain in this area in August every year.a)is b)are 【2011英语希望之星】命题演讲+即兴问答,求技巧!既然进了复赛就要好好比下去对吧,所以说在这里求各位有经验的前辈或者口语强的学长学姐把经验分享一下! 关于2011希望之星英语风采大赛的一点小问题~吼吼,1.什么时候比啊~2.需要做什么准备吗?自我介绍和小故事?3.我是初一的孩子,英语可以说是中等偏上吧,我有希望么?4.5,难不难?我是山 我是近视眼 用英语怎么说 近视眼和近视200度,用英语怎么说? 怎样让眼睛近视?我想要挂眼镜、、、 some tears never dry是什么意思 英语翻译如题.是Shayne Ward 的一首歌