
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:19:04
英国广播公司用英文怎么说? 理性和感性哪个更重要? 代表英国广播公司的是什么英文缩写 What she said and did 是句子么,为什么? 引入一个物理量来表示速度变化的快慢,该物理量为什么是速率? 初二的知识难不难广州的 初二的地理难不难啊 All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ( ) badly wounded and that答案是was,be operated on.请教,这里为什么用be? 豆蔻年华到底是几岁?为什么有的说15——16岁,有的说是13——14岁.求问到底这多少岁数啊.要精确的. what she said encourages me to study harder.为什么前后时态不一致? 豆蔻年华是指多大年龄 英语翻译RT “稠稀饭 ”,“米汤”翻译为英文. 英语翻译如题如题! David’s mother insisted that he ____before ten every night.A.must go to bedB.goes to bedC.go to bedD.has gone to bed 30.Little Tony insisted that his mother _____ him to school.A.send B.sent C.sends D.sending30.Little Tony insisted that his mother _____ him to school.A.send\x05B.sent\x05\x05C.sends\x05\x05\x05\x05D.sending Don't tell Sue what I said ( ) she ( ) you. Don't tell Sue what I said unless she asks you.(同义句) 豆蔻年华是指多少岁啊?古稀,不惑,而立,耳顺,弱冠各指多少岁啊?表示年纪的还有那些词啊? please don't tell anybody what I said don't worry .Iplease don't tell anybody what I said don't worry .I______.1.WON'T 2DON'T 3CAN'T 8WOULDN'T “豆蔻年华”是指多少岁? the woman insisted that the accident happened by chance,but injured driver insisted that the police为什么前后时态不同 豆蔻年华指多大 豆蔻年华指的是几岁 舍子花带时间的歌词 the time is not all ready中文如何翻译?如题哦. 第30届奥运会的主办城市( )巴黎,( )伦敦是关联词! “北京在08年奥运会举办权的竞争中战胜了伦敦、巴黎、东京等国际知名大城市.”怎么翻? 翻译成英文 我要当个性签名的 .浪费时间去解释,还不如花时间去证明 这是伦敦第三次举办奥运会,翻译成英语怎么写 完全竞争市场的特征有哪些 什么是完全竞争市场?完全竞争市场有何特征? 举例说明完全竞争市场的特点