
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 19:13:25
Does the PE teacher often play with them?翻译成中文是什么? Amy的妈妈经常在海边卖贝壳吗?英汉互译.Does Amy's Mum often ___ ___at the seashore? 已知,在△ABC所在的平面上有一点D,D与C不重合,如果以A、B、D为顶点的三角形与△ABC全等,这样的D点有多少个?A.1个 B 2个 C 3个 D 4个 例1全等三角形选择题 高一的集合听不懂,别人一遍就懂我就是听不懂. 在完全竞争的市场上,厂商对劳动力的需求主要取决于A劳动力的价格B劳动力的边际生产力C劳动在生产中的重要性D劳动替代资本的程度 高一集合题,刚开学不懂啊.1.A={x|x=2k+1,k∈Z}B={x|x=3k,k∈Z}C={x|-12≤x≤8}求:A∩(B∩C) 2.已知集合A={x|x是锐角三角形},集合B={x|x是钝角三角形},求A∩B,A∪B.3.已知集合A={1,4,x},集合B={1,x平方} 我刚学,不懂用正确的方式表示下列集合:所有奇数构成的集合答案是P=〔x,x=2k±1,k∈z〕但是我不明白这个答案的意思,X和K分别代表什么是不是说在没有确切规定的情况下的集合中必须用到∈? 在抗日战争中,国民政府正面战场取得重大胜利的战役是?A 台儿庄战役 B 百团大战 C 上甘岭战役 D 渡江战役 抗日战争第一场胜利是哪个领导的? 全等三角形选择题 做梦被鬼咬了,是什么意思?! 全等三角形. 初中学的什么元素相对分子质量是98 Who is your english teacher and math teacher这句话对吗?是用is还是are In which season can you see s________?目前,只知道第四个字母是w,第五个字母是f,第六个字母是l,第八个字母是k. 我现在读高一,上课什么都听不懂,怎么办?不想学了 =G4*P4+G6*P6+G8*P8+G10*P10+G12*P12+G14*P14+G16*P16 应该怎么用公式啊, 改错:It is 3 weeks since Ihave seen him. It’s three weeks since we ( ) him.A.see B.saw C.have had D.have seen It's three weeks since we ____him.___为什么不能用have seen 而用了have been seen 为什么?三周了自从我们 见他.have seen 不也是现在完成时么 been 不是be的过去式表示曾经经历,我们要加进去? 云南省有多少人口?RT 云南省有多少个县,各县有多少人口? It has been three weeks since he lived here with us and now____.A.we are living together with him happilyB.he lives far away from usC.we live happily together with himD.he lives happily together with us请说明理由 写出一个分式,使它①只含有字母x y;②无论x y取何值时,分式的值均为负数,则这个分式为? CSS中.menu-function li:not(:last-child) span 还有这句 .menu-function li a:before,.drop-down button[type="button"]:before css中关于first-child的问题p:first-child{color:blue;} This is some text.This is some text.Note:For :first-child to work in IE8 and earlier,a DOCTYPE must be declared.p:first-child{color:blue;}, 5 的CSS3选择器中的:first-child和:last-child是干什么用的? css first child 可以select class吗?We are a community of designers representing the whole sector of designers working in Ireland today.Whether working as a consultant or in-house,our members are drawn for the design disciplines ofanimation,brandin last children 什么意识 i am hopelessly in love with you devoted to being with you may god reunite 帮忙翻译下… It's three weeks since you were ill(什么意思)