
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:19:37
完形填空, 虚拟语气中,与将来事实相反,if从句中should do和were to do有区别吗? 虚拟语气什么时候用should do什么时候用did概括一点的语言,我觉得不是可以互换的吗 You got game?歌词 寻you got game中文歌词 选择合适的疑问词填空 whose,where,which,how much,how about1.—______tomorrow?2._______are you going?3.______is the towel?4.________lianket is this?5._______is for me?lianket是bianket 列举15-19世纪上半期西方世界在近代史的发展历程中所发生的重大历史事件 联系15-19世纪上半期西方世界所发生的重大历史事件,阐述西方近代化的发展历程. 【求】You got game?Kimeru的《You got game?》,我想买一盒日本原装的单曲VCD或DVD.大人们可否提供邮购方法呢? You got game英文 用must问,肯定形势和否定形势用什么回答?若用need问呢?肯定形势和否定形势用什么回答?快 _____Tom is favorite food? 初一英语作文 my favorite instrument80字左右 过分溺爱孩子对孩子的成长有好处用 英语翻译用(spoil) 父母溺爱小孩,随着小孩长大会小孩会养成很多不好的习惯 .翻译成英文 谢谢 "我明白.我要的爱.会把我宠坏.像一个小孩.只懂在你怀里坏"...麻烦大家帮我把这句话英语翻译一下.不要翻译软件翻译的.那个有的时候不对..麻烦有没有英语好点的帮我翻译下阿? 请以 My favorite food 为题写一段话,不少于4句Meals favorite foodbreakfast coffee,chickenlunch hamburger,cola,French friessupper salad,vegetables,meat,broccoli,bread请及时回答啊!我在这先提前谢谢你了. must not和need not的用法 英语翻译,Background In the current debate over tort reform,critics of the medical malpractice system charge that frivolous litigation ― claims that lack evidence of injury,substandard care,or both ― is common and costly.Methods Trained physic I don't know why.but I fall more in love with you every day. 英语翻译内容提要管理学家彼得·德鲁克曾经说过︰“现代企业不仅仅是老板和下属的企业,而应该是一个团队.”众多世界一流的企业,例如惠普、联邦快递、摩托罗拉等都用亲身实践证明了 2,4,6,7,8,11,12,13中无公约数的数是? 从2,4,6,7,8,11,12,13中任取两个数,此两数恰无公约数的概率为?答案是9/14,为什么? 英语翻译papers of Thomas Alva Edison reveal that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowlyspring to life 一个英语阅读的答案Young people have many dreams.Here are Lei Ping and her friends’ dreams.Lei Ping is going to be an actor.She likes acting.She thinks the actors are well-known and they can make lots of money.She is going to take acting le 英语阅读题(1-11)问题.51.A successful language learner must ___________.A.be very intelligentB.depend on a good book or teacherC.try always to speak correctlyD.try to learn the new language independently,actively,and purposefully52.Which of 下雨的时候你都做什么用英语怎么说 你的衬衫使用棉布做的吗?用英语怎么说:____your shirt _______cotton? “full of"和"fill with"的区别? The teacher says:"please _____ your English book to school." A.bring B.brings C.take D.takesThe teacher says:"please _____ your English book to school."A.bring B.brings C.take D.takes Nothing In The World中英对照要中英对照的哦~ 英语翻译如何翻译,