
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 10:46:07
第四大题,化学高手来,急 2009年能看到大面积的流星雨吗? 2009年流星雨在加拿大温哥华能看到吗? Paraphrases1.While I was there,she accidentally knocked a flower pot from her windows.2.My fridend was too afraid to talk to the police.3.I don't konw what to do4.I don't know how to help him.5.Last night I went to New York by plane 6.I give him a 10 1.We found that they were clever enough to learn English well.=2.Lesson Nine is the most difficult one in Book 2=3.He used a lot of money to buy things for his lab=4.he ran as fast as he could to catch the thief=5.all the student passed the exam but 某六年级有甲乙两个班,甲班人数是乙班的七分之五.如果从乙班调3人到甲班,甲班人数是乙班人数的五分之四.甲乙两班原来各有多少人? 说说理由有16个1立方分米的立方体商品,为它设计一个长方体包装箱,最节省包装纸的那种方法至少需要包装纸( 40 )平方分米(接头处忽略不计).4×2×4+2×2×2这样做的原因是什么 小明在日历上圈出五个数,呈十字行,他们的和是40,则中间的数是 叶绿素的化学本质是什么? 什么是资本主义自由竞争时期的国际贸易 资本主义自由竞争时期国际贸易发生了哪些变化怎么都是讲的工业革命? 是国际贸易发生的变化啊 资本主义准备时期、自由竞争时期和垄断资本主义时期的国... a+0.1=b-1,a( )b?a×0.1=b÷10,a( )b?填>,<或=.在括号内填上“>”、“=”或“<”.a+0.1=b-1,a( )ba×0.1=b÷10,a( )b 叶绿素的化学本质是什么?它上面是有酶吗?含蛋白质吗? 已知a小于0,b小于0,且/a/小于/b/,试比较a分之一()b分之一【括号中填“<”或“>”】 陈奶奶在庭院中一共栽了20棵红玫瑰和黄玫瑰,其中红玫瑰占2/5,后来奶奶又栽了几棵红玫瑰,这时红玫瑰占玫瑰总数的1/2.后来奶奶栽了几棵红玫瑰? For girls:To find a person who love U more!请翻译一下, 48题 求lim x趋近于0 [√(1+xsinx)]-1÷(1-cosx) I am Christmas,Will you marry me?Merry Christmas! merry Christmas!I'm Christmas,do you marry me?求翻merry Christmas!I'm Christmas,do you marry me?求翻译. 有一首歌里有marry marry Christmas听声音像justin bieber唱的 求此题答案,详解采纳给分.如图,D是AB上的一点,E是AC上一点,BE,CD相交于点F,∠A=62°,∠ACD=35°,∠ABE=20°.求∠BDC和∠BFD 变量名写法有一道题说123abc不正确 没有及时回复男友的“My name is christmas,will you merry me"怎么办? My name is Christmas,will you merry me?Merry your sister! 为什么My name is Christmas,will you merry me?是含糖量最高的一句话 my name is.chritmas,will you merry The birds are singing ____ the tree.横线上可以填on吗1.It's for____baseball.A.play B.played C.playing选哪个2.When you want to buy things,the assistant will say“____”A.Can I help you?B.What do you want?应该AB都可以吧3.It____in Beiji 101*25.7-0.25*25的简便方法怎么做 1小时的6分之1是多少分 师傅每小时生产零件25个,他8小时的产量是徒弟10小时的产量还多四分之一,徒弟每小时生产多少个零件?