
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 16:25:54
小狗有很好的嗅觉 用英语怎么说 英语翻译西塘征婚:女,单生,非豆蔻少女,但绝对属于花样年华,有意者与本人联系,谢绝女士,单生秀气男子优先… XiTang marriage-seeking:female,single,not a teenager girl,but is definitely in the mood for love,pleas 带鬼的成语有哪些 带鬼的成语有哪些成语 嗅觉失灵的人用英语怎么说哥哥姐姐们,有没有这个单词啊?如果没有,我就不用着急等了... 英语 at in on 这三个单词分别表示什么 一篇优秀作文求一篇写“____的工作”的优秀作文(至少是刊登过的) However,life with a pig isn't always perfect.life 是动词还是名词啊 we should prevent pollution to live happily中的不定式是什么成分we should prevent pollution to live happily中的不定式to live happily做句子的什么成分we should prevent pollution to live happily中的不定式to live happily做句 能给一篇优秀的作文吗? so I never have to diet,or anything like that 是so I never have to diet,or anything like that I have never heard anything like that.与I have never heard of anything so stubid.为什么一个有of一个什么情况下加of? Uncertainty always comes with hope...that is life.英语不好? My memory has developed so much that like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told其中,so.that 引导的是_____状语从句 一篇作文《精彩的比赛》 说下IN ON AT 表示时间的用法 谁能告诉我‘他的鼻子’用英文怎么说 Expecting you will have so for a day,saying that like me这句的中文意思,还有是不是有语法错误 有关龙的寓言,短儿的. 谁有龙的寓言呀!简短点的简短! 谁能帮我写以下口语试题的短文1.Some people think that marriage is the grave of love.What do you think of this idea?2.Many people hold the belief that poverty and hardships produce incentive(动力) to achieve something important.How do y remember me to your family是什么意思 She must't be there . She has gone to school.has gone to 的意思和用法 --- Remember me to the members in your family.---________.A. Well put. B. The same to you . C. Of course I will. D. Thanks a lot. She has to go there by bus.(一般疑问句) _______________________________ Marry has gone to Ameica.She ( )there for a hMarry has gone to Ameica.She ( )there for a half year (stay) 求大神知道,说出时态 准备雅思听力该用listen to this的哪一本? listen to this 2 和雅思听力哪个容易些?不知道是不是下载版本的问题,listen to this 2(中级听力)里面的对话有些地方含糊不清,听半天不知道在说些什么,第一次听的时候挺打击人的因为觉得语速 雅思听力8.5,应该用哪本LISTEN TO THIS再提高一下听力?如题,两次考雅思听力都是8.5,但是雅思技巧性很强……想再巩固一下听力能力,应该用本LISTEN TO THIS呢?2还是3? 有一种默契叫心照不宣 无人监考的作文 作文无人监考咋写