
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 13:39:34
Rose is a lovely and slender girl who is crazy over dancing. 求英语大神.问:a dancing girl,A girl who is dancing.和A girl is dancing,的区别具体的句子成分呢 英文翻译"dipping our toes into the cold water"看到这么一句:...we’re going to be talking about mysterious andmythical creatures and dipping our toes into the cold water of crytptozoology.想请教一下这句中的 dipping our toes into 和 daniel 相配的女生英文名 ^^ 求和自己名字相配的英文名求和自己相配的英文名...单字琦...要的英文名不要太文静...不要太大众...跪谢liqi.... 希伯来英文名能否提供Shayli这个希伯来的英文名字的意思,来源,含义,可那个名字就是一个以色列人给她女儿取的也...应该没错吧... 关于2011年暑假北京新东方的新概念第四册和听说读写四级哪个更适合我本人目前大二,暑假准备去北京上新东方,六级已过,不高,470分,新概念第一,二,三册在初高中学过,未来打算是考研并准备 我四级540分,但还想继续提高一下英语,上新东方什么班好呢?新概念第几册?有其他推荐吗?六级班除外 新概念英语适合英语四级备考吗?或者说火星,新东方哪个更适合 急求一些容易教学的英语儿歌! dress 翻译 Cherie 这个英文名中文是什么 想知道.求和Jumbo比较配的英文名.是女生的英文名哦~ 求和Lorraine比较配的男生英文名~开头最好要一样.男生的.不能L开头的话 尽量避免Q 和 M 开头.另外,意思最好也差不多,不然的话字数一样也可以...米娜桑谢谢咯~不要广告.好的加分~~ 长江、黄河是中华民族的母亲河,已知黄河的长比长江的4/5多424千米,长江比黄河长836千米.求长江,黄河各长多少米?长江6300千米,黄河5464千米, 一首英语儿歌(要题目)一首就好~不要太长,最好有翻译 To attend a formal party,how will you dress yourself?(你在英国!) 一首很可爱的儿歌,但不知道什么题目里面的歌词是 我也许什么道理都不明白 ,妈妈说其实小兔子也很可爱 感谢她把我带到美丽的世界 我要给她我的幸福快乐 小白兔白又白两只耳朵竖起来 tell me what clothes do you wear to go to a party or a formal dinner? 这首儿歌的题目叫什么?勇敢的大黄蜂 天空已经亮起来 张开翅膀自由自在 风雨不能阻挡我 世界在心中更多彩 山谷和海洋我飞跃 微笑从来不逃开 智慧花朵片片采 聪明的大黄蜂你最HI 嗡嗡嗡 My sister wants a new dress.She_it to the party.A.wears B.has worn c.wore D.is going to wear Peter was a small boy.He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep,Peter suddenly heard some noise.It came out from the kitchen (厨房).He got John lived with his mother when he was young He wants some apple.(改为否定句) he wants some mike.怎么改成肯定句否定句 【翻译】【按时到校是容易的】--- --- easy --- get to school on time. 英语好的进,Would you like to come around and play with themWould you like to come around and play with them,句中的around是什么意思,放在句中有什么作用,要不要有没有什么关系. I can't go over and ask to play with them 翻译 i like to play with them我喜欢和他们玩,求同义句改为I like ----------- It is c that he passed the exam,because he always works hard I think this is gonna work for you 和I think this is work for you 有什么区别?gonna在这里起什么作用?什么情况用它呢 This problem is so easy that you can work it without______(think) of it.