
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 01:49:23
除地形之外,影响聚落分布的因素有哪些 河流地貌对聚落分布有什么影响高原、山区、平原 影响聚落形成与发展的因素地形( );水源( );气候( );土壤肥沃.填前面三个空 There were many talented actors out there just waiting ( ).A.to discover B.to be discoveredC.discovered D.being discovered 影响聚落形成与发展的有关因素至少写六个 There were many talented actors out there just waiting to be discovered是什么意思?怎么翻译阿?是用to be discovered吗?如果是为什么阿? [D97] There were many talented actors out there just waiting_____.A.to discover B.to be discovered C.discovered D.being discovered翻译并分析 there were many talented actors out there just waiting to be discoveredto beThere were many talented actors out there just waiting .A.to discover B.to be discovered C.discovered D .being discovered .B.to be discovered 但是这是不定式作什么 英语what are you going to do in the futureWhat are you going to do in the future?-I'd like to be a doctor__you are A.so B.as C.what D.when为什么选 but in Britain many people don't like other people to touch them at all. 这是一个什么句?还要讲词组,句式,那些主语,谓语(分析结构),拓展,回答得好的才采纳 有关新东方口语班报名的事我想报个口语班,为大学英语做准备,将来有出国的打算;但不知道新东方具体哪个层次的口语班合适——我高中水平,英语还凑合,词汇量不大,性格腼腆内向.希望哪 4×400接力赛的英文翻译 英语四级的成绩单一般什么时候到,我今年6月份考的? 求一篇以“梦想”为命题的作文,要求:文中不得出现真实的地名,人名;600字以上. 请以“爱,就在你我身边”为话题,写一篇不少于600字的作文.文中不得出现真实的校名、人名等立意自定,文体自选 作文,600字,题目“拥有阳光” 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名 In the west,people usually _____ each other to show affection.A:hug B:hold C:grasp D:pull 单选题 改错 People in the west usually celebrate the festival 1.It is usually a It is usually a buidding.People collet things there,and show the things to people.It is a ( ).2.A( )is usually a piece of land.People use it for growing flowers,trees,shrubs,and other plants.building,打错了。 翻译:Usually people show great sympathy for the children begging in the streets. 12月份四级成绩什么时候出来? 10年12月四级成绩什么时候出来 2010.12月四级成绩什么时候出来? tom is funny and friendly.(对划线部分提问)划线部分是funny and friendly _______TOM________?按照这个格式回答一下! Tom is always friendly and helpful.划线提问l.划线提问friendly and helpful Mary is friendly and beautiful.(对划线部分提问)—— —— Mary ——? The people in the shop are ____,we like them and they are ____ to us,too. 梯形的平行投影为什么不是梯形?.原题是:梯形的平行投影一定是梯形。(判断题)答案:错 平行四边形 矩形 正方形 梯形 有什么关系比如:矩形包括( ) 新概念英语第一册全套视频 2009年十二月份的四级英语 成绩什么时候能查出来~ 英语中平方米的英文是什么