
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 02:53:29
考察法语关系代词的一个句子c‘est un outil qui vous rendra la vie plus facile.我想问一下这句话怎么翻译,还有vous在这是什么意思 关于本句中法语代词lui的问题!pour redonner la vie au village et lui garder ses habitants,il faut des industries et du commerce.句中lui是什么含义啊?充当设么成分? 模仿《伊索寓言》写一篇小寓言故事 Can you answer me what is let's fly with Over the cloud| i dream fly let dream take the will Where the swallows fly dream blooms 这句英语的意思是? Fly,fly,fly,I dream for my “我想她”用荷兰语怎么说? 荷兰语用英文怎么说"荷兰语" 用英文怎么说. “我喜欢”用荷兰语怎么说? 谁能告诉我这句话用荷兰语怎么说:我想买一些关于xxx的东西 ‘空气’用荷兰语怎么说 she hopes tobe able to further her study abroad after graduation中文意思是什么 After guaduation she reached a point in her career____ she needed to decided what to do.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.where帮我解释一下句意,讲解一下答案p24473. After graduation she reached a point in her career ( )she needed to decide what to do为什么不用 that 或 whichshe .to do 是定从 修饰 career do 缺宾语 After gradutation she reached a point in her career she heeded to decion what to do.After gradutation she reached a point in her career ______ she heeded to decion what to do.A.that B.what C.which D.where She spends her whole life___ ___(look after)herShe spends her whole life___ ___(look after)her sister. 请问这两个简单的介词短语对吗?in their opinions they lose hearts能能说说他们为什么都用单数吗? 床前的月光,窗外的雪,高飞的白鹭,浮水的鹅,回乡的客是什么诗名 床前的月光窗外的雪都涉及的古诗是哪两首请写出诗题和作者 生活的意义是什么?为什么怎么累 人生没有意义累 怎么样戒烟?怎么样永久戒烟?如何快速戒烟www.oylo.info gfgf 生好辛苦,请问生存的意义是什么? 我该怎么戒烟啊一天两包呀,真的有点受不了了 完成时用在there be句型中怎么用?是has还是have? there be句型和there have句型的区别 There在现在完成时中是There have还是has have和there be句型有什么区别.have在什么情况下用,there be句型在什么情况下用.主要是区别 床前的月光,高飞的白鹭,相思的红豆,回乡的客 各指什么唐诗