
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 17:26:56
英语 划线是in the lakemike swam in the lake 就划线部分提问 春天粉红色的桃花开放了这句话的拟人句 about Doing Physical Exercise 用此题目写一篇英语短文不少于80词 旁附翻译 What is the purpose of doing physical exercise Doing heavy jobs requires more physical ----(体力).So take more exercise! 粉红色的桃花开放了.改拟人句怎样改 Will she ( )swim soon?A.can B.is able to C.be able to D.able to She"ll be able to see the cary.(改一般疑问句怎么改) She likes to swim in the sea.改为否定句 I live on the twelfth floor.改为一般疑问句 一个长方体容器底面是一个边长为60cm的长方形,容器里立着一个高1m地面为正方形的边长为15cm的长方体铁块,这时容器里的水深0.5m,如果取出铁块,容器里水深多少厘米? 一个长方体容器,底面是一个边长为60cm的正方形,容器里直立着一个高为1m、长和宽均为15cm的长方体铁块,这 23.Since she ______ (miss) the last train,she had to walk home.24.______ (miss) the last train,she had to walk home.25.They stood on the playground,and ______ (watch) a football match.26.They stood on the playground,______ (watch) a football match. Miss Black goes ( ) every day.She often ( ) in the gym near her home.A.swimming;swimming B.swimming;swims c.swim;swims选哪个? be used to doing sth.的中文意思是什么? 火球计划S跟同类产品的区别? 火球计划与传统P2P有什么区别? 火球计划的优点? 火球计划如何体现 regret doing与regret having done有什么区别呢? regret doing ,regret having done 和 regret to have done三者是否一样,都是表示对过去的推测.请有把握才回答. regret doing和regret having done有何区别 一个长方体容器,底面是一个边长为40厘米的正方形,容器里立着一个高1米,底面边长为10厘米的长方形体块这时水深0.5米.将铁块向上提,提几厘米时,露出水面铁块浸湿部分长32厘米算式, 舞曲有句歌词是Listen to the还有i want be with you谁知道是什么歌 用哪里 哪里 哪里 句式造句!要快!我好急! do more do more exercise同义词是什么两个词的 求作文:Physical Exercise,不少80个单词 以Physical Exercise为题不少于80字 从事体育运动的好处 经常跑步打羽毛球 夏天喜欢游泳 physical exercise的意思所解释的意思是说锻炼身体可是Eg:Bill was doing a lot of physical exercises to build up his ___A sbility B force C strength D mind我主要想问我说的做物理题目的意思可能有么 火球,米袋计划,投之家哪个更安全? Name one event that happen in each of the following periods,list the things you know about that even200BC-500AD500AD-1500AD1500AD-1800AD1800AD-1950AD tell me what can I do to meeting me为什么to后面是动词ing形式tell me what can I do to meeting you,我写错了,但我觉得没错,我现在只是初三水平的英语,但我也知道有时to后面是可以加动词ing形式,但是老