
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 15:57:14
这个地球如果没有人类,会怎样?谁又将是代替人类的统治者? 为什么人类会成为地球的统治者? 根据提示,填写适当的单词,使句子完整1.The boys are s ________ in f ________ of the TV set.Thet aer w ________ TV.2.The boy is very h ________.He's e ________ the football g ________.3.Janer is p ________ chess w ________ her father.4.Th 谁帮我改改这段英语作文?On the other hand,reducing stress is beneficial to our mental health.As we all know that a person with good psychology will live a longer time.Thus,mental health is significant for us.From my point of view,through re ( )Lucy and Lily want to learn Chinese?No,they ( ).用do,don't,does,does't填空 谁能帮我改改这段英语作文?To begin with,income earned by working is the guarantee of people’s source of food,clothes,and shelter.But when the most basic survival demand is satisfied,people’s demand would be shift to a higher level --- 谁能帮我改改这段英语作文啊!Firstly,the instruction from teacher plays an important role in the students’ studying passion.For instance,our English teacher often in class plays some American blockbuster from paramount pictures int.or un 根据上下文及中文提示,完成句子(一词一格).你妈妈的生日在六月吗?不是. Is your mother's birthday ______ ______.No,_______ _______. 改变句子,一格一词1、They have got their suitcases in the room.(反义疑问句)They have got their suitcases in the room,( )( 2、Wang Hai speaks Japanese badly.Li Ming speaks it well.(两句并一句)Wang Hai speaks Japanese( )( )Li M I want to sell this pies to raise money for the SPCA.对划线部分提问划词部分是to raise money for the SPCA 摄影师英文怎么说? I well ask someone to repair my watch的同义句 如果人类也灭绝了,下一个地球统治者会是谁呢? There’s somethingwrong with my washing machine , I’ll ask someone to repair it for me .改同义句I’ll _____ my washing machine ______.对的加悬赏! 人类活到了未来可能是地球上的统治者 自由摄影师 英文怎么说? "摄影师"和"摄像师"英文翻译 时尚摄影师用英文怎么说 这是出自世界级摄影师的精彩展览 这句话用英语怎麽翻译 急用关于仁爱的成语 10个左右 “有仁有义”和“仁爱之心”是成语吗 现在草甘膦市场为什么那么乱现在草甘膦市场是什么样的啊!为什么会一下子跌那么厉害哦!会不会在短时间回升! 英语翻译我需要做一个自动生成SKU编码的表格,格式如:SD1-1-1 SD为固定,1代表品牌型号1代表该型号类型1代表颜色,第三个1为数字对应颜色,如1白色2黑色.这样能实现吗?再举个例子:SD2-2-8 2代表 我们已经接受了你方购买我们集装袋的237号订单的英语翻译 求摄影师让鲁普西夫的英文介绍!越多越好 您已经购买了2件商品 英语翻译 ()深()急,请在括号内填字 深( )驱直括号里可以填什么字 用深组词,填在括号里 ( )的神情 例:(深厚)的感情严肃而( )的神情 用深组词,填在括号里好的话加财富 例:(深厚)的感情 在括号里填带有“绝”字的词语1、伯诺德夫人把()文件藏在半截蜡烛里,这是一个()的主意.2、世博园里的中国馆精美(),参观的游人赞不绝口. 綦用拼音读是什么? 在括号里写同样的字列;(喃喃)自语( )直跳 ( )不绝