
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 09:50:34
一个钟4.5小时慢2.7秒,照这样计算,一昼夜要慢( )秒? 一只手表4.5小时慢2.7秒,照这样计算,一昼夜慢几秒 一个钟,4.5小时,要慢2.7秒,照这样计算,一个昼夜要慢多少秒? 一个钟表4.5小时慢2.7秒,照这样计算,一昼夜慢多少秒? 一只手表1.4小时慢2.1秒,照这样计算,一昼夜慢多少秒 请问有哪些可以用来描写夏天的风的词语? 由主动结构变为被动结构 1.where do people make trains?____________________________ 2.when did charl由主动结构变为被动结构1.where do people make trains?____________________________2.when did charlotte bronte write the book jane ey 代小字的成语小字在第三位 带小字的成语有哪些成语 小字的成语有那些 People may have different opinions about ( ).A.happinesses B.happiness选择正确的 ...,about which different people have different opinions.这句话有问题么?在好多范文里看到这句话,但是which 做从句中的什么成分? People may have different opinions about _(happinesses/happiness) 小汽车过河交渡费10元,大汽车过河交渡费15元,人过河交渡费1元.某天小汽车和人数的比为2:5大汽车的辆数是小汽车辆数的三分之一共收渡费840元,这一天渡过的小汽车,大汽车,人的数量是多少 一只钟每30分钟慢2秒.照这样计算,一昼夜它共要慢几秒?用比例解 I( )I made many mistakes in the test.()内填没想到 孔子家语 王肃 “孔子曰:‘吾死后……’.”一段翻译 王肃《孔子家语》翻译 she wants to goes to school.有助于回答者给出准确的答案 Sometimes people call each other "cat", but have you ever thought about this expression? 开头:People are always afraid of making mistakes.Bu开头:People are always afraid of making mistakes.But sometimes it's not bad to make mistakes ,and here is why.要求排序 Sometimes people from different places cannot u____ each other. He____(not be)always right.Sometimes he_____(make)mistakes It's rude to l____ at people who make mistakes. afraid are good mistakes learning also making not of 连词成句 Sometimes people in a family get angry with each other.Sometimes they get angry with you.的翻译 孔子家语 译文 火车过江交轮渡费30元,客车过江交轮渡费20元,小汽车过江交渡轮费10元.某天,过江的小汽车和客车的数量比是2:9,客车和货车的数量比是3:7,共收得渡轮费12450元.这天过江的货车,客车和小汽车的 孔子家语的译文是从 孔子曰:“无死后,则商也日益,赐也日损.” 至 是以君子必慎其所与处着也.这段. People l___ to talk only about the game. "你否定了造物主的存在,冰冷的骸骨把平凡的真理回答."这句诗的含义该怎样理解 Tomorrow is Children's Day.Helen______with her friends in the school.A.is going to have a party B.had a party C.likes having a big lunch