
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 22:28:38
cant be strong again without u here..i have much words wanna share with u 玩赛尔号的都来围观啦>_ i'm back...but you're not here...haha...:) the same favorite,haha! right here waiting/yesterday once more!是什么意思?请知道的告知,谢谢! 英文作文 Is it good to keep animals in zoo? 以“zoo is a good place or bad place ”为主题的英语论据或观点? Is he lying on the grass?和Does he lie on the grass?有什么不同?是不是be动词和助动词都可以提问实义动词 look at the boy .he ____(lie)on the grass happily. sleep on the 弹簧发黑三十分公分的标准弹簧要发黑 弹簧如何煮黑 at the cost As to you ,I'll cherish you at the cost of my life求翻译~ 怎么算做的功,需要算动能吗?请详细点说。比如在恒力做功情况下,力没有后仍要移动一段距离,算功时要算动能吗?还有瞬时力做功,要算动能吗?如何算?帮忙解释下,谢谢 功越大可以认为就是能量消耗越大吗?功的计算有没有一个形象点的比喻啊?公式是W=FS,力乘以距离是个什么概念啊?太抽象了吧,有没有形象点的比喻之类的啊,我感觉有点像消耗的能量,就像是 So popular a place is Disneyland in Hong Kong ——many children want to go to a second time.为什么 填as shakespear ever said,to be or not to be,that's a question. 高中英语中有什么动词不具备延续性?比如:He has got married for ten years就不行 要将got改成been 用F和v可以判断功W是正功还是负功,怎么判断啊,是不是跟功率有关啊是不是与F和v的夹角有关啊,又与F与S的夹角有关,关键是S和v不一定在一个方向啊 Fill in the bianks with is or are是什么意思 急!~~~· 根据首字母,汉语填空.I bou ght _a________ (纪念物) yesterday. code of ethics 如果是“业务准则”,那它和 code of conduct 有什么区别? Has the Code of Ethics been translated into the local language? 英语翻译living in accordance with the Code of Ethics is the happy life.怎么翻译这句话? That boy was very interested.翻译 have big shoes to fill 翻译"Studies show that the cold or the flu virus can live on our hans for long. "So you should wash your hands often with soap and warm water. This could be the result of a damaged ,a failed download or a virus. 小米2s手机gps无法卫星定位是什么原因 I am very interested in Mark Twain'a novels,___A.aren't I B.am not I C.aren't you D.are you为什么选A 速求..不要说答案全错..就是选A 但我不知道为什么 红米手机用百度导航为何老是卫星定位不成功 the young students like ___and Mark ___novels very much.A:DICKENS,Twain'sB:DICKENS',Twain C:DICKENS'S,Twain's d:DICKENS',Twain's